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Carb cycling for powerlifting/strength training


Dr. Paul Mason's research found that the recommendation of consuming 30 gram of fiber is based extrapolated information that was incorrectly extrapolated
That’s going to need some context. Your final statement didn't really correlate with either the slide or the info about fiber supplements.
That is an enormous amount of fiber to consume in a day.
Not really, works out to roughly 14g per 1000 calories. If you eat mostly Whole Foods it is pretty easy to get in that ballpark regularly.

Eg today im already at 17g and only eaten 1000 calories.

Breakfast was eggs on toast and lunch was a burrito bowl with shredded chicken, black beans, guacamole, sour cream, jalapeños, and mixed greens.
Admittedly I did have some ultra processed collagen with breakfast, but no fiber in that.

Roughly halfway through calories today and over halfway to the fiber goal.
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My guess is that fiber in real food is processed by our bodies differently than whatever kind of sawdust :) is in a fiber supplement. Speaking from my own experience, I have never taken a fiber supplement, but I have had meals and even multi-day stretches that had seemingly zero fiber in them, e.g., meat, cheese, eggs, white bread. That has never bothered me. I've also had a big salad for dinner on consecutive days, which I suspect has a lot of fiber, and that hasn't bothered me, either. My experience has been that moving regularly, and in particular including movements that sort of massage the abdomen, helps. I'm thinking of windmills, hoola hoops and belly dancing types of hip mobility, and even barbell deadlifts.

Just my opinion based on my own experience; no science claimed. But "move in a variety of ways, eat a variety of foods" has been working well for me for a long time.

Not really works out to roughly 14g per 1000 calories. If you eat mostly Whole Foods it is pretty easy to get in that ballpark regularly.
Yeah, 30 grams doesn't seem like that much really. I don't calculate it, but I probably get 10+ grams of fiber just at breakfast w. half cup of oatmeal + half cup of granola, and then I add orange metamucil to my protein shakes.
Sounds like you eat varied, sensibly, and well, Steve. A lot of people don't do varied, or sensibly, or well.
Perhaps the secret to my success is that I try not to eat out of habit. I consider myself an opportunistic eater, e.g. I don’t usually have much if any lunch, but yesterday I did because we were visiting one of our kids and he said there was a really great sandwich shop nearby, so lunch it was.

Yeah, I told him it wasn’t healthy.

But then he went on about Kellogg
Everyone’s got a kink I guess.

My guess is that fiber in real food is processed by our bodies differently than whatever kind of sawdust :) is in a fiber supplement. Speaking from my own experience, I have never taken a fiber supplement, but I have had meals and even multi-day stretches that had seemingly zero fiber in them, e.g., meat, cheese, eggs, white bread. That has never bothered me. I've also had a big salad for dinner on consecutive days, which I suspect has a lot of fiber, and that hasn't bothered me, either. My experience has been that moving regularly, and in particular including movements that sort of massage the abdomen, helps. I'm thinking of windmills, hoola hoops and belly dancing types of hip mobility, and even barbell deadlifts.

yeah I think the disconnect here is people assume fiber only has benefits for bowel movements.

There are cardiovascular benefits and just general overall health benefits that I’d argue probably make up the bigger factors fiber has with longevity.

Really the important thing is to eat like an adult most of the time. That means eating your fruits and veggies
Yeah, 30 grams doesn't seem like that much really. I don't calculate it, but I probably get 10+ grams of fiber just at breakfast w. half cup of oatmeal + half cup of granola, and then I add orange metamucil to my protein shakes.
You are at 11-14g before the supplement there. Depending on the granola.

Add some berries and the fiber police will have to come take you away.
So did you dial the carbs back a bit after the year in or didn't care?

And yeah I know I'd probably lose body fat if I quit drinking, but it's not something I'm currently trying to do. I've drank for probably over half my life at this point so it's just one of those things. I have cut back tho. I used to drink so much. Lol
I dialed back everything, especially donuts haha.

I can eat carbs no problem, but if I eat a lot I just want to eat more carbs. They make me more hungry I think. I don’t avoid them but I try not to eat them too often.
I get a much faster and linear response in body comp by cutting fats.

I start with condiment fats and work into portion control with higher fat foods.

Body comp is a function of CICO.
Interesting you should say that. I’ve been on every diet known to Google and I got the best and equal results from three completely different approaches: ultra low carbs (i.e. ketosis); ultra low fat (i.e. don’t eat fat); and weight watchers points (i.e. ruthless calorie counting). They all worked very well and all achieved about the same
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Many years ago I did Dipasquale's diet, 5 days of no more than -30g of carbs, two days of carb loading. I gained wieght and lost waist size every week I was on it. It worked so well, I quit doing it. I got tired of the cottn mouth and keto breath.
Many years ago I did Dipasquale's diet, 5 days of no more than -30g of carbs, two days of carb loading. I gained wieght and lost waist size every week I was on it. It worked so well, I quit doing it. I got tired of the cottn mouth and keto breath.
I gave up carb cycling approaches because I just seemed to stay in the trouble zone forever. On longer term low carb you go through a period of adjustment (3 to 5 days) and then that’s it - no more side effects. These days I can actually feel when I go into ketosis - it’s a physical sensation, like the very beginnings of a hot flush that never eventuates.

My guess is that fiber in real food is processed by our bodies differently than whatever kind of sawdust :) is in a fiber supplement. Speaking from my own experience, I have never taken a fiber supplement, but I have had meals and even multi-day stretches that had seemingly zero fiber in them, e.g., meat, cheese, eggs, white bread. That has never bothered me. I've also had a big salad for dinner on consecutive days, which I suspect has a lot of fiber, and that hasn't bothered me, either. My experience has been that moving regularly, and in particular including movements that sort of massage the abdomen, helps. I'm thinking of windmills, hoola hoops and belly dancing types of hip mobility, and even barbell deadlifts.

Just my opinion based on my own experience; no science claimed. But "move in a variety of ways, eat a variety of foods" has been working well for me for a long time.

I've never been more constipated than when I eat products advertised as high fiber.

Onions and Brussels sprouts on the other hand I eat plenty of and they haven't blocked me up yet.

Perhaps a function of my hydration, but I've experimented and it's regular at best, backed up for days at worst.
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Many years ago I did Dipasquale's diet, 5 days of no more than -30g of carbs, two days of carb loading. I gained wieght and lost waist size every week I was on it. It worked so well, I quit doing it. I got tired of the cottn mouth and keto breath.

Similarly, I did a Lyle McDonald plan that called for ~50 grams of carbs with one day a week of 1,000 grams of carbs. I was intermittent fasting so my nightly meal was 2 lbs of meat with a small~medium sweet potato. Got down to 188 lbs and 6.1% bodyfat, measured in the BodPod.
I gave up carb cycling approaches because I just seemed to stay in the trouble zone forever. On longer term low carb you go through a period of adjustment (3 to 5 days) and then that’s it - no more side effects. These days I can actually feel when I go into ketosis - it’s a physical sensation, like the very beginnings of a hot flush that never eventuates.
Yeah.. And looking back at the results from when I did the Anabolic Diet (I think was one of the OG carb cycling approaches), the fiddlyness of everything was never worth the result.

I'm very happy with hitting a protein goal, fiber goal, and calorie goal for weight loss.
However, consuming 30 grams a day isn't necessary.

It is hard to consume that much fiber in a day; unless your a cow.
Sorry Kenny, but I have to disagree here. This is just a silly statement. I regularly eat an average of 75 g of fiber a day, sometimes over 100 g without any kind of fiber supplementation. Definitely not that hard to do. It’s great, I’m as regular as clockwork every day. Now this being said, I don’t eat a lot of meat and get most of my caloric intake from fruits, vegetables, and grains.

I would modify your statement to say that it is hard to consume that much fiber in a day; unless you are trying to stick to a keto diet.
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