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Other/Mixed Recent Fitness-Related Purchases

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)
How'd these turn out for you? I bought the same set 7ish years ago and I originally couldn't get standard bumper plates on them. Sanded the hell out of the ends and I can get plates on them now but it's such a fight I gave up and just use my trap bar instead.
They work great for me. I don’t know if they changed something with quality control. I have bumper plates from rogue and they all fit nicely.
They work great for me. I don’t know if they changed something with quality control. I have bumper plates from rogue and they all fit nicely.
Glad yours are solid! Probably. I thought I read Titan's overall quality improved. Can't remember exactly when, shortly before or after covid. I bought a Titan squat stand in 22 and it's fantastic.
Glad yours are solid! Probably. I thought I read Titan's overall quality improved. Can't remember exactly when, shortly before or after covid. I bought a Titan squat stand in 22 and it's fantastic.
Yeah I have a few items from them and they are definitely very nicely made. Not what you’d expect from a cheaper company like they used to be.
Stick Mobility Training Stick Bundle

I was intrigued about the incorporation of irradiation and isometrics into active stretching. I tried some beginner exercises such as the Bow & Arrow and Slap Shot - fun stuff
Stick Mobility Training Stick Bundle

I was intrigued about the incorporation of irradiation and isometrics into active stretching. I tried some beginner exercises such as the Bow & Arrow and Slap Shot - fun stuff
I've started doing some of the stick mobility stuff and really enjoy it. It feels good while I'm doing it and I keep feeling good when I do it regularly.

I made my own sticks out of 1" PVC pipes and some rubber furniture leg end caps. They work well enough that I don't feel the need to get the "real" sticks, but I'm curious to try them.
Bought this deadlift jack a while ago - it was cheap, doesn't take up space, and felt like buying something. It's solid and it works for my 2" diameter axle bar too which I was pleasantly surprised about:
View attachment 23959
I don't use my big DL jack often but I'm glad I have it. I picked up a used Rogue one for $30 from a local craigslist ad maybe 10-15 years ago. I do find myself wishing I had a better way to store it out of the way since I don't use it often but it's an odd shape.

I also own a pair of the mini version and those can be handy, too.

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Yep, but you still have that initial plate to worry about how snug it is to the inside of the sleeve. With a jack, that's no longer an issue.
I’ve never had an issue with it. I have one of those small jacks but I rarely use it. But I also always have two plates on the bar I deadlift or zercher and a separate bar for using on my rack. I just roll the deadlift bar off my platform until I use it again.
My heaviest KB just arrived today. 24 kg. It is from the best KB brand in Turkey I believe, not the most expensive or the cheapest but Gymholix is the best in terms of finish and durability in my experience. I believe it is a Turkish brand.

It is shinier than my 20 kg which I like better but still a nice grip.

And I have just rolled to elbow TGU it. I love it, compared to my 16 kg, it is really “teaching” correct form better!

Ps: Regardless of the KB sizes that are considered as heavy in this forum, I can tell that 24kg KB demands respect :) and yes all weights of KBs demands absolute respect but at 24 kg, I can see that things are getting more serious, this is the territory of, if you don’t know KBs don’t even pick me up territory.

The additional space worked to our advantage - my wife has a prominent wrist bone and she need that extra space to avoid hitting it with their 12 kg.

I had some issues with this with the 16 Perfomr Better. The distance to the handle is too small and I might end up touching the bone. It's also a light weight that most uses involve sitting on the forearm. If I ever buy a 16 again I'll buy a competition bell.
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