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Kettlebell Maximorum Master Thread

And... I totally forgot to ask you this.

Here's your "problem."

It sounds to me like you doubled your training time each week. And I think it's finally caught up with you.

So, I recommend you drop down from 4 days to 3. (I outline how to do that in the manual.) And if that still doesn't fix things, drop to 2 days a week, so each week essentially becomes 2 weeks.

Test that out and get back to us with your results.

Hope that helps.
Cheers Geoff thanks for the reply. Will give that a try
Hello All,

First post on this thread. I completed 9 weeks of KSK then 4 weeks of The Giant, both with the 20kg bells. This was after a shoulder surgery in December. The shoulder feels great. I believe that snatches are the gift to shoulders.

Now a week in Maximum with 24kg bells, both for C&P and the SN. Wk1D1 108, Wk1D2 22 (both), Wk1 D3 108, Wk1 D4 32 (both). The numbers are total, not sets. Feeling good. Thanks Geoff for the great program.
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