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Other/Mixed Hypertrophy training

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)
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I think, that for the typical trainee, hypertrophy is very simple to attain. Pick a reasonable exercise and a reasonably heavy weight. After that it's just a question of volume. No need for rocket science, just pile up the reps and sets.

That's also pretty much the point of the Bear part of PTTP.
The Bear definitely worked for me but if you do it as written the multiple sets do take a while. I'm not convinced the results are superior compared to higher rep sets matched for volume (eg 10x5 Bear vs 5x10) but that's an argument for another day. I enjoyed it.

Programs like Westside are for very serious lifters, IMHO. Your average lifter, even with delusions of grandeur, doesn't need anything that complicated to be the best they're ever going to be. Now having said that, if they want to do Westside good luck to them!
IMO WSBB method is great for establishing a wide strength base. I did the modified Matt Wenning version for tactical populations and got VERY strong.

Certain things I still do to this day. Like a lot of traction work, core work, rear delt work, rotator cuff work etc.
For beginner if he has access to barbell then the classic 5x5 with squat, dead, bench, row is the hypertrophy program.
ROP is fine but it gains muscle so slow. When I start to use double kettlebell I see big jump in mass and muscle.
My mistake. Somehow I thought this was in the Kettlebell thread.
Agreed. Volume with the big basics, progressive resistance, over along time.
For me, a very basicDeLorme/modified DeLorme has always delivered.
At its most simple, get in some volume upfront, last set to failure or very close.

My best results have come from using several low rep/high load sets - 3-5 reps of a 5-7 rep max, finished with a slightly lighter load done with Clusters, Rest/Pause or Dropsets. Or with the same heavy load.

The key is to combine whatever approach with protein spikes and plenty of rest. Do as little as needed to get a good response, but at high RPE.
My friend did the deadlift part of the Bear program. He was always a pretty big guy but he said he never felt stronger.

This thread contains excellent content from about cluster set :

Kind regards,

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