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Next time, try to record at a 45 degree angle with the camera at hip height. Looks like a decent beginning. Here are a few things I believe I see but again the angle is a little off to tell for sure.

1. Start with the bell closer to the foot you are going to swing on. This will help to start in a squared up position instead of having your torso rotate. It looked like you were rotating a bit.

2. When the bell is coming down, wait until your forearm is a split second away from making contact with your upper body. It looks like you were hinging back while the bell was still infront of you. This is a key point for back safety.

3. On the way back up it looks like you are pulling up with your arms and your shoulder is shrugging upwards. Envision yourself trying to push the ground down with your feet and keep your arm loose. This will help you to get power from your legs and hips instead of pulling it up with your arm. You want to use the big engine which is the hips.

Hope that helps and keep filming yourself!
Again thanks for the tips. Any tips on the best way to film for TGU?
I didn't read the whole thread or watch all the videos, but from the git-go your shoulder on the swing arm is bunched up. I've forgotten who coined the phrase, but Brett Jones (posted above) has quoted him as saying "The ears are shoulder poison" - when you shrug, your shoulder is not in a great position and it disengages the lats.

edit: iirc, it was Jeff O'Connor
Thanks for the tips. Will work on this.
Hello all,
I wanted to give a bit more detail to see if I am on the right path.. I really appreciate any feedback you can provide.
I am a 52-year-old male, a noob to kettlebell training, standing 185 cm (6 ft) tall, and weighing 90 kg (200 lbs)
I began from a fairly sedentary lifestyle and started the Simple and Sinister (S&S) program about 7 weeks ago. Here’s a summary of my progress so far:
Weeks 1-5:
Used a 16 kg kettlebell for swings.
Used an 8 kg kettlebell (or sometimes a shoe) for Turkish Get-Ups (TGU) to focus on improving my technique.
Trained 5-6 days per week.
Weeks 6-7 (Step Loading Phase):
Started step loading using a 24 kg kettlebell for swings (2 sets).
Began using a 12 kg kettlebell for TGU and step loaded with the 16 kg kettlebell.
Finished week 2 of this phase today.
Both S+and G+ feel challenging but doable.
Currently performing two-handed swings twice a week.
Questions and Concerns
Recently, I began filming my sessions to improve my technique and noticed that I still have a long way to go. Here are my main concerns:
• Should I regress and work solely on kettlebell deadlifts until my technique is closer to mastery?
• Alternatively, should I switch exclusively to two-handed swings? If so, what routine could I use to restart or get back on track with S&S?

I have added links to videos of my kettlebell deadlift, two-handed swing (both 16 kg and 24 kg), and Turkish Get-Up (both 12 kg and 16 kg). Any feedback and tips are really appreciated. Thanks in advance!
KB Deadlift, TGU 16kg RH, TGU 12kg RH, 2H KB Swing 16kg, 2H KB Swing 24kg
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Hello all,
I wanted to give a bit more detail to see if I am on the right path.. I really appreciate any feedback you can provide.
I am a 52-year-old male, a noob to kettlebell training, standing 185 cm (6 ft) tall, and weighing 90 kg (200 lbs)
I began from a fairly sedentary lifestyle and started the Simple and Sinister (S&S) program about 7 weeks ago. Here’s a summary of my progress so far:
Weeks 1-5:
Used a 16 kg kettlebell for swings.
Used an 8 kg kettlebell (or sometimes a shoe) for Turkish Get-Ups (TGU) to focus on improving my technique.
Trained 5-6 days per week.
Weeks 6-7 (Step Loading Phase):
Started step loading using a 24 kg kettlebell for swings (2 sets).
Began using a 12 kg kettlebell for TGU and step loaded with the 16 kg kettlebell.
Finished week 2 of this phase today.
Both S+and G+ feel challenging but doable.
Currently performing two-handed swings twice a week.
Questions and Concerns
Recently, I began filming my sessions to improve my technique and noticed that I still have a long way to go. Here are my main concerns:
• Should I regress and work solely on kettlebell deadlifts until my technique is closer to mastery?
• Alternatively, should I switch exclusively to two-handed swings? If so, what routine could I use to restart or get back on track with S&S?

I have added links to videos of my kettlebell deadlift, two-handed swing (both 16 kg and 24 kg), and Turkish Get-Up (both 12 kg and 16 kg). Any feedback and tips are really appreciated. Thanks in advance!

TGU 16kg RH , TGU 16kg LH, TGU 12kg RH, 2H KB Swing 16kg, 2H KB Swing 24kg, KB deadlift 24kg
I would simply use the deadlift to practice before your session or on an “off” day. Something like 3 sets of 5-10 reps. If your grip is giving you trouble during the swing session then switch to two hand for a couple sets and retry one arm swings. Make every day a “practice” and rest enough that your form is really good.
I would simply use the deadlift to practice before your session or on an “off” day. Something like 3 sets of 5-10 reps. If your grip is giving you trouble during the swing session then switch to two hand for a couple sets and retry one arm swings. Make every day a “practice” and rest enough that your form is really good.
Thanks for your reply. I have been practicing S&S between 5-6 days per week. Would you recommend replacing 1 of those days with deadlifts only? Same weight as swings? So far no issue with grip (still with the 16kg). So far I never feel spent after a session on contrary usually feel really good afterwards.
Thanks for your reply. I have been practicing S&S between 5-6 days per week. Would you recommend replacing 1 of those days with deadlifts only? Same weight as swings? So far no issue with grip (still with the 16kg). So far I never feel spent after a session on contrary usually feel really good afterwards.
Would the deadlifts replace the warm up ? or add it as part of warm up?
Would the deadlifts replace the warm up ? or add it as part of warm up?
I would either do it as a warm up if you have time and energy or do it whenever you can fit it in. It’s good to get the practice of hinging. You could also do some one arm deadlifts to practice staying square and keeping the lat engaged for one arm swings.
Hello all,
I wanted to give a bit more detail to see if I am on the right path.. I really appreciate any feedback you can provide.
I am a 52-year-old male, a noob to kettlebell training, standing 185 cm (6 ft) tall, and weighing 90 kg (200 lbs)
I began from a fairly sedentary lifestyle and started the Simple and Sinister (S&S) program about 7 weeks ago. Here’s a summary of my progress so far:
Weeks 1-5:
Used a 16 kg kettlebell for swings.
Used an 8 kg kettlebell (or sometimes a shoe) for Turkish Get-Ups (TGU) to focus on improving my technique.
Trained 5-6 days per week.
Weeks 6-7 (Step Loading Phase):
Started step loading using a 24 kg kettlebell for swings (2 sets).
Began using a 12 kg kettlebell for TGU and step loaded with the 16 kg kettlebell.
Finished week 2 of this phase today.
Both S+and G+ feel challenging but doable.
Currently performing two-handed swings twice a week.
Questions and Concerns
Recently, I began filming my sessions to improve my technique and noticed that I still have a long way to go. Here are my main concerns:
• Should I regress and work solely on kettlebell deadlifts until my technique is closer to mastery?
• Alternatively, should I switch exclusively to two-handed swings? If so, what routine could I use to restart or get back on track with S&S?

I have added links to videos of my kettlebell deadlift, two-handed swing (both 16 kg and 24 kg), and Turkish Get-Up (both 12 kg and 16 kg). Any feedback and tips are really appreciated. Thanks in advance!
KB Deadlift, TGU 16kg RH, TGU 12kg RH, 2H KB Swing 16kg, 2H KB Swing 24kg

seems the other links didn't work.
KB DL looks good—a set to warm up should be enough.

Two-arm swing looks good overall—you could sit into the hinge a bit more.

The shoulder position you have on the two-arm swing should be the same on the one-arm swing.

If grip is the issue then perform sets of 5 not sets of 10 and progress as your grip improves.
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