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Hypertrophy Dan John ABC

Thrilled to hear that Dan loves single-bell presses. I've always struggled to integrate them into other clean/press/squat programs (like Geoff's or Iron Cardio) because I'm just not a fan of single-bell squats.

But this program presents an opportunity to do the clean+press days using singles and the ABC days using doubles... that's interesting.
I just finished the book yesterday
Today I have stepped into ABC
15 sets in ~21 minutes @ 24+28kg bells.

I will be executing the plan as written.
That being the case, I will not be asking questions for the next 8 weeks.
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Have been thinking about alternating 6-week cycles of AXE and Q&D. Might have to add this program into the mix too.

6 weeks AXE
6 weeks Q&D
6 weeks AXE
8 weeks Armor Building

Coincidentally, that's a total of 26 weeks, so two cycles fit perfectly inside a year.
It might depend on your age and personality, but I personally also prefer to have a concrete goal with my training. If not it is easy to jump from program to program, ever in hope of escaping boredom. Dan John mentions some goals in his Armor Building book. Im using blocks a bit like you, and I am in no hurry, but my goal is for instance to lift 40 kilo in the kettlebell military press and do 6 reps*20 wit 40 kilo in an Axe format. These might not be impressive numbers in themselves, but to me they will be milestones and they help me to keep on track. In five years, I will have become five years older, I prefer to have become a bit stronger by then. Hope this helps.
Awesome! Is there a “single ‘bell only” option in the book? Or are doubles always included?
The program is written as doubles by default, but there's a section about adapting it to singles if needed.

The program is split into A/B sessions, with one being complexes and the other just presses. Personally, I really like double-bell complexes, and I have enough bells to accommodate that. But I'm intrigued by an option which is not quite explicitly provided in the book: to do the press-only sessions with singles (and the complexes with doubles).
EDIT 2: he says right in the book, "Can you get big with bodyweight exercises? No." lol at my crushed spirits. Luckily he makes the formula pretty easy to build muscle by lifting stuff and I'm pretty sure I can do it with my sandbag. A good purchase, for sure -- the main thing I get out of Dan John's books is a reminder of what sensible training looks like.
That is BS if he is talking about the upper body.
I know I will get killed by everyone for arguing on Dan John....too bad.
I went from 138 to 165 on a bodyweight-only program.
Admittedly it took 3 years but I was not pursuing mass aggressively.
I ate 30gs of protein per meal (far below the recc level).
the lower body is a bit harder tho.
There is only a certain amount of mas shrimp squats and pistols can give you.
I went from 162 to 202 in four months Olympic lifting. I lost forty pounds to a liver parasite after having to make a "water decision" in the Middle East.
I'm not sure the point about bodyweight training that I wrote in the book is appropriate without context...but this isn't my forum, so I will gently walk away.
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