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Kettlebell Maximorum Master Thread

Anybody tried the 3 day maximorum? I have 2 weeks of my current program and am looking to restart maximorum. I’ll be using 28’s for C&P and FSQ, after doing exactly that at the start of the year, low rep C&P&FSQ.

Snatch plan is just 16kg, as im not overly experienced with it. When I used 16kg last time I tried maximorum, it was a perfect weight and my form felt great, felt like it got smoother and smoother.

I will be trying 3 days, as im in no rush, I actually want to spend some time with it, mostly to slowly build volume with the 28’s, and also practice the snatch, without pushing too hard.

By the end of it I’d like to be comfortable with the 28’s in C&P and FSQ, and hopefully be able to snatch the 16kg for continuous reps ( start with half snatch )
I ran Maximorum as a beta tester, completed it as written (4x a week) with good results but found phase 2 quite taxing to say the least. At present I am running it as a 3 day program and absolutely loving it. I've just taken my time, chucked in a Strong as Hec 4 week complex between phase 1 and phase 2 and just generally can't wait for every session. Much easier for my 54 year old body to recover and I still feel I am achieving some great results too, in the mirror and in my general feelings of strength and fitness.
Anybody tried the 3 day maximorum?
I'm toying with the idea of a 3x week maximorum while still having 4x sessions due to time constraints

- Monday: Snatch
- Wednesday: 20' C&P+FSQ, 5' rest, 20' Snatch
- Friday: C&P+FSQ

This way I'd have a L/H/M approach, with H being a much longer session despite compressing the C&P/FSQ by 10', without missing out on weekly number of session and extending the program.
Mon and Fri could be swapped around on a bi-weekly basis and so could the 2 blocks on Wednesday (two weeks of "fresh snatches", two weeks of "fresh grinds").
I ran Maximorum as a beta tester, completed it as written (4x a week) with good results but found phase 2 quite taxing to say the least. At present I am running it as a 3 day program and absolutely loving it. I've just taken my time, chucked in a Strong as Hec 4 week complex between phase 1 and phase 2 and just generally can't wait for every session. Much easier for my 54 year old body to recover and I still feel I am achieving some great results too, in the mirror and in my general feelings of strength and fitness.
Sounds perfect!
I'm toying with the idea of a 3x week maximorum while still having 4x sessions due to time constraints

- Monday: Snatch
- Wednesday: 20' C&P+FSQ, 5' rest, 20' Snatch
- Friday: C&P+FSQ

This way I'd have a L/H/M approach, with H being a much longer session despite compressing the C&P/FSQ by 10', without missing out on weekly number of session and extending the program.
Mon and Fri could be swapped around on a bi-weekly basis and so could the 2 blocks on Wednesday (two weeks of "fresh snatches", two weeks of "fresh grinds").
Big Wednesday! I’d struggle with time for that I think, but at least you’re still getting the 4 sessions in one week. I guess for me, I’m treating the snatch as practice really, and only using 16, so could work, but I’d be rushing on Wednesday as I go to the gym pre work. Update us if you try it, you could easily try it for a few weeks and switch back
Big Wednesday! I’d struggle with time for that I think, but at least you’re still getting the 4 sessions in one week. I guess for me, I’m treating the snatch as practice really, and only using 16, so could work, but I’d be rushing on Wednesday as I go to the gym pre work. Update us if you try it, you could easily try it for a few weeks and switch back
You could also make Monday or Friday the hardest day (Monday would make you fresh from the two days of weekend rest, Friday would instead rely on cumulative fatigue)

I'm trying to find a good balance between strength training and starting more aerobic recovery work with swimming 2x week

Even a 2x week Mon / Thu double maximorum-style sessions (grinds then snatch one day, the opposite the other, maybe still capping them at 20' for block1 and 15' for block2 with 5' rest in between) setup could work. It's not @Geoff Neupert 's program anymore though, would be nice to hear his thoughts (and most likely be told off)
You could also make Monday or Friday the hardest day (Monday would make you fresh from the two days of weekend rest, Friday would instead rely on cumulative fatigue)

I'm trying to find a good balance between strength training and starting more aerobic recovery work with swimming 2x week

Even a 2x week Mon / Thu double maximorum-style sessions (grinds then snatch one day, the opposite the other, maybe still capping them at 20' for block1 and 15' for block2 with 5' rest in between) setup could work. It's not @Geoff Neupert 's program anymore though, would be nice to hear his thoughts (and most likely be told off)
I’m doing 3 days as it’s in the Maximorum info, so no telling off haha I hope!
If I can handle it, I’ll move to 4 days, but will likely keep it at 3 days for the duration.
I’m doing 3 days as it’s in the Maximorum info, so no telling off haha I hope!
If I can handle it, I’ll move to 4 days, but will likely keep it at 3 days for the duration.
I’ve been thinking about this.

The best progress I’ve made with KB’s was definitely Strong. It was months and months of slow steady progress, a few injuries that I sorted out along the way, but, what I think I liked about it so much was that I knew it was a very big time commitment. I like that. There’s no thinking, no distraction, I’m locked in.

I’ll take the same mindset into Maximorum. Just enjoy the months of turning up, doing the work and going home. And with arguably the 3 best kb excercises ( at least my favourites), I feel like all bases are covered.
I'll be hopping on the Maximorum train in two weeks! I'm just about finished with my fourth Giant cycle (I did 3.0 > 1.0 > 1.1 > 1.2, starting with 16kg and bumping to 17kg halfway through 1.0 when I got my hands on some adjustables).

The Giant has been great, and I wouldn't mind at all jumping back in with a higher weight, but I have a moderately intense mountaineering weekend planned in early August, and could use some extra work in the legs and conditioning department.

I have two weeks left of Giant work to fine-tune my starting Maximorum weight, but as of my testing two days ago, 22kg is a tough 5RM for C&P and a doable 10 for snatches. I'll test again the weekend before starting Max - adjustables are nice because I can move in 0.5kg increments to find a "true" RM.

After reading through this thread, though, I'm wondering whether a 6 or 7 RM might be a better idea. My whole purpose of switching to Maximorum is leg and conditioning development for this specific trip (which will be literally the day after finishing the program), and I don't want to find myself in a recovery hole by that point. I'll also be doing some longer mountain climbs on the weekends.

Would appreciate any thoughts from you fine folks. Thanks!
I'll be hopping on the Maximorum train in two weeks! I'm just about finished with my fourth Giant cycle (I did 3.0 > 1.0 > 1.1 > 1.2, starting with 16kg and bumping to 17kg halfway through 1.0 when I got my hands on some adjustables).

The Giant has been great, and I wouldn't mind at all jumping back in with a higher weight, but I have a moderately intense mountaineering weekend planned in early August, and could use some extra work in the legs and conditioning department.

I have two weeks left of Giant work to fine-tune my starting Maximorum weight, but as of my testing two days ago, 22kg is a tough 5RM for C&P and a doable 10 for snatches. I'll test again the weekend before starting Max - adjustables are nice because I can move in 0.5kg increments to find a "true" RM.

After reading through this thread, though, I'm wondering whether a 6 or 7 RM might be a better idea. My whole purpose of switching to Maximorum is leg and conditioning development for this specific trip (which will be literally the day after finishing the program), and I don't want to find myself in a recovery hole by that point. I'll also be doing some longer mountain climbs on the weekends.

Would appreciate any thoughts from you fine folks. Thanks!
Start conservatively, you have adjustable kb’s so it’s no problem for you to adjust if you feel you can bump up the weight
Yes. I had a "tough" 5RM, with grinds on the last rep or two. I figured I would catch up .

During warm ups on the heavy day of week 2, I could tell I was going to hit the wall. Instead of messing with the weight (adjustable KBs), I switched over to push press. The load for that exercise felt just right and I have been running with it ever since. I'm now on week 5.
I'll be hopping on the Maximorum train in two weeks! I'm just about finished with my fourth Giant cycle (I did 3.0 > 1.0 > 1.1 > 1.2, starting with 16kg and bumping to 17kg halfway through 1.0 when I got my hands on some adjustables).

The Giant has been great, and I wouldn't mind at all jumping back in with a higher weight, but I have a moderately intense mountaineering weekend planned in early August, and could use some extra work in the legs and conditioning department.

I have two weeks left of Giant work to fine-tune my starting Maximorum weight, but as of my testing two days ago, 22kg is a tough 5RM for C&P and a doable 10 for snatches. I'll test again the weekend before starting Max - adjustables are nice because I can move in 0.5kg increments to find a "true" RM.

After reading through this thread, though, I'm wondering whether a 6 or 7 RM might be a better idea. My whole purpose of switching to Maximorum is leg and conditioning development for this specific trip (which will be literally the day after finishing the program), and I don't want to find myself in a recovery hole by that point. I'll also be doing some longer mountain climbs on the weekends.

Would appreciate any thoughts from you fine folks. Thanks!
I did Maximorum as beta test with 24's and then did a summer of KSK before getting back on it with a pair of 28's. The KSK (especially the 2.0) cranked my ability to snatch way up, and using the 28 for snatches was easy. But my C&P was still a hard 5RM for the 28's. I did phase one with the 28's well enough, but never great & Geoff basically gave me some humble pie that I was starting too hard. So I started over (with the 28's again) and compared my pacing with the 28's to my first time with the 24's...and left my ego at the door. Finished that up with the 24's & I think I did 1.5x on the FSQT's, rounding up reps.

I beta tested another program of Geoff's recently which made me hate push presses (with 16's) and now on Giant 3.0 with the 28's as they're still in the 5RM camp. So at the end of day, Coach was right & do what Coach says....especially when it's Neupert.

Oh, and on your leg work, you could definitely 2x the squats. I think he had recommendations in the finished program on that which were not included in the beta test program. You'll cry on some of those days, but that will definitely get the leg volume you're looking for!
I'm trying to find a good balance between strength training and starting more aerobic recovery work with swimming 2x week

Even a 2x week Mon / Thu double maximorum-style sessions (grinds then snatch one day, the opposite the other, maybe still capping them at 20' for block1 and 15' for block2 with 5' rest in between) setup could work. It's not @Geoff Neupert 's program anymore though, would be nice to hear his thoughts (and most likely be told off)

Your wish is my command!

I absolutely would NOT use the following structure:

- Monday: Snatch
- Wednesday: 20' C&P+FSQ, 5' rest, 20' Snatch
- Friday: C&P+FSQ

Too much work on Day 2.

To turn MAXIMORUM into a 3-day a week program, see p. 73 of the manual.

Hope that helps.

And then do light swimming on T/Th if you're doing the program on M/W/F.

You may have to go easier with your KB work while your body adapts to the swimming.
After reading through this thread, though, I'm wondering whether a 6 or 7 RM might be a better idea. My whole purpose of switching to Maximorum is leg and conditioning development for this specific trip (which will be literally the day after finishing the program), and I don't want to find myself in a recovery hole by that point. I'll also be doing some longer mountain climbs on the weekends.

Would appreciate any thoughts from you fine folks. Thanks!

You should be fine with the 5RM recommendations.

Just remember to add in some active recovery work (as detailed in the manual) after your training sessions, especially the longer weekend mountain climbs, and you should be good to go.

Your wish is my command!

You may have to go easier with your KB work while your body adapts to the swimming.

This Geoff guy knows a thing or two. I did consider swimming as "active recovery / variety". Long story short: today I swam half of what my other half did and it was a struggle. 2 days ago, I swam, felt great, then proceeded to collapse in bed midway through my work day for 2 hours.
Going back and forth between The Giant and dealing with some shoulder issues, I decided to purchase this program and give it a go. My shoulders feel much better now, but I think it might be smart to switch to a program that is a bit more diverse than The Giant. This one seems like a great alternative.

I will go a bit lighter than 5 RPM on C&P and FSQ, probably around 7-8 RPM. I did my first snatch session yesterday, which felt great—54 reps per arm (108 total reps).
I had my worst day today, which was heavy press day of Phase 2, week 3. With 5 minutes left in the session, I only made it half way up the top rung of my 2nd ladder. So I just stopped the session at that point. It's kind of weird, because I felt that light day this week was my best pressing day of the program.

On another note, I have been doing push presses for this run. I started with 20kg bells, which we a 5RM grind for me. I switched over to push press on heavy day of week 2 because I could tell I was not going to be able to keep up (note to self, use 5 STRONG reps next time). I started to worry that my press was not getting stronger, so I added some double 16kg presses into my warm ups.

It turned out that I was correct, because the 16kgs feel heavy, even though I grinded out 5 reps with the 20s in testing for Maximorum. I think I'm going to clean the 16s and move them into the house, so I can GTG presses. There are 3 weeks left in the program, but I'm going on vacation, so I'll have to repeat P2W4 when I return.
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