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Spanish Squats

Kenny Croxdale

Level 7 Valued Member
Spanish Squat


This version of squats involves a Resistance Band being looped around a central anchor such as on a power rack and the open loops around the back of each leg.

...Greater quad activation. This quad activation is further increased towards the top of the squat as you need to push back into the band to complete the squat.

By keeping the tibia more vertical, the tendons around the knee joint don’t stretch as much and therefore you experience less strain around the knees.

The Spanish squat uses resistance bands that pull on the back of the calves while the Sissy squat bench pulls on the anterior tibialis. This small difference results in the anterior tibialis tightening which compresses the knee more than the Spanish squat does, making the Spanish squat a better choice if knee strain is a concern.


Your torso should be in an upright position and try to keep your tibia as vertical as possible.

Differences in the muscle activities of the quadriceps femoris and hamstrings while performing various squat exercises

Differences in the muscle activities of the quadriceps femoris and hamstrings while performing various squat exercises - BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation

Acronyms: [general squat (GS), wall squat (WS), and Spanish squat (SS)]


Rectus Femoris (RF), Vastus Lateralis (VL),


...Results from the current study, SS exhibited greater muscle activation on RF and VL compared to GS and WS, it could be a potential option to include SS for prescribing exercise or designing rehabilitation programs.

Dr Mark Surdyka

I've seen these recommended for patellar tendonosis, tendonitis but has anyone looked at anterior shear and ACL stress?

They’re definitely utilized in later stage protocols. There’s been a lot of research coming out lately on the misnomer of long arc quads and knee extension machines being evil for ACL rehab and the Spanish Squat, in my opinion, fits into that same category but the added benefit is that it’s closed chain and provides better stability
I do them every once in a while with a 100 lb resistance band.

Especially when my knees are talking to me.

Effective, but *not* easy or pleasant.
Staple for me for some years. Excellent movement. Slow the tempo and I can hit failure in fewer than 10 reps with a 16kg kb. Almost zero spinal loading.
There’s a video of a girl doing these without weight and her knee blowing out that has scared me ever since seeing it. She was using a bench to hold behind her knee and it just blew. She may have been doing them wrong, I don’t know, but I can’t get myself to even try after watching that.
I suspect this has quite a bit of overlap with really heavy backwards sled drags, which I also like.
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