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Kettlebell Soviet kettlebell snatch technique for military


Level 5 Valued Member
Hello everyone. This is the poster I found. Such posters were very popular in Soviet times, this one is in Bulgarian. This was specially made for visual propaganda on physical education for the military. From here we can conclude that the most simple, effective and safe technique for performing the exercise has been chosen. You will ask why? Because everything related to propaganda went through multi-level checks and those people who were responsible for choosing the exercise could be prosecuted for sabotage if it was dangerous. What do you guys and Strongfirst coaches think about this?
Did a small session of Strength Aerobics with this one arm snach. Very pleasant feelings. In terms of power production, it is superior to LCCJ.
Hello everyone. This is the poster I found. Such posters were very popular in Soviet times, this one is in Bulgarian. This was specially made for visual propaganda on physical education for the military. From here we can conclude that the most simple, effective and safe technique for performing the exercise has been chosen. You will ask why? Because everything related to propaganda went through multi-level checks and those people who were responsible for choosing the exercise could be prosecuted for sabotage if it was dangerous. What do you guys and Strongfirst coaches think about this?
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I would say that the snatch technique (and clean and jerk) has changed a lot over the years. You can see that even in looking at Pavel's demos in ETK book/video. Over the past 30 years, both the "Hard style snatch" and the "sport style snatch" have evolved out of "the people's snatch" to become what is taught today.

I wouldn't look back and say it must've been better back then. Especially the claim regarding safe/effective/simple as it is propaganda. That is still going to be dependent on the times and what people understand/think. You could say it was thought at the time to be the most safe, effective, and simple, but I think you have to have that qualifier "at the time."

I do not like the partial squat during the catch of the snatch. I have only done that when snatching "too heavy" weights that I didn't think I could get high enough to not need to - this is usually when I'm "learning" a new weight, but it also happened when I tried to max out my KB snatch (40kg).

I can't read Russian, but in the 8th "frame" it looks like it is a half snatch - partial squat + lower to rack. I think the half snatch is great, but I don't think it is necessarily "better" but I think it is "easier" to teach and easier on the hands overall.
I would say that the snatch technique (and clean and jerk) has changed a lot over the years. You can see that even in looking at Pavel's demos in ETK book/video. Over the past 30 years, both the "Hard style snatch" and the "sport style snatch" have evolved out of "the people's snatch" to become what is taught today.
Yes: also called the "health snatch" in frame 8... a great move on its own. When I learned to double KB snatch this was for many of us at the time the preferred method to lower 2 bells from overhead. (I always found a reflexive "pre-loading" effect when the bells hit the rack on the way down.)

KB S&C Soviet Style Medvedev (editor 1986, "Weightlifting and its Teaching Methodology. A Textbook for Physical Culture Institutes’ Pedagogical Departments, Fizkultura i Sport, Moscow," I think this is the correct citation) listed some 24 S&C moves adapted for KBs from the implements like old school iron boots and dumbbells. (Seated knee extensions with the KB hanging by the handle from the top of the foot, for example.) Swings and snatches, presses and jerks were but a part of the mix.

Many ways to skin a cat (or gut a rabbit). Consider the carryover of overspeed eccentric drills when cleaning wild game.
Способ потрошения тушки дикого кролика "Method for Gutting a Wild Rabbit Carcass"

Method of eviscerating carcasses of wild rabbits.jpg
Yes: also called the "health snatch" in frame 8... a great move on its own. When I learned to double KB snatch this was for many of us at the time the preferred method to lower 2 bells from overhead. (I always found a reflexive "pre-loading" effect when the bells hit the rack on the way down.)

KB S&C Soviet Style Medvedev (editor 1986, "Weightlifting and its Teaching Methodology. A Textbook for Physical Culture Institutes’ Pedagogical Departments, Fizkultura i Sport, Moscow," I think this is the correct citation) listed some 24 S&C moves adapted for KBs from the implements like old school iron boots and dumbbells. (Seated knee extensions with the KB hanging by the handle from the top of the foot, for example.) Swings and snatches, presses and jerks were but a part of the mix.

Many ways to skin a cat (or gut a rabbit). Consider the carryover of overspeed eccentric drills when cleaning wild game.
Способ потрошения тушки дикого кролика "Method for Gutting a Wild Rabbit Carcass"

View attachment 25329
"Method for Gutting a Wild Rabbit Carcass" Hard style)))
Sorry guys... it's less than perfect translation 'cos I used...well you know what.
I'll give it a try because it's more nuanced.

"When you see the light from the entering of anus make sure that it's clean in there"
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