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Program suggestions for shoulder injury


Level 4 Valued Member
Hi everyone. I just completed a cycle of Kettlebell Maximorum and started the Giant. I experienced great gains in pressing strength but now have pain in my left shoulder. I want to lay off the left shoulder to let things heal but don't want to lose my progress or break my momentum. Are there any recommendations for programming for 6-8 weeks? Is one sided Giant a possibility or will that throw everything completely out of whack? I want to continue to ride this wave but don't want to do anything stupid and permanently damage myself.

Thanks in advance.
Hi everyone. I just completed a cycle of Kettlebell Maximorum and started the Giant. I experienced great gains in pressing strength but now have pain in my left shoulder. I want to lay off the left shoulder to let things heal but don't want to lose my progress or break my momentum. Are there any recommendations for programming for 6-8 weeks? Is one sided Giant a possibility or will that throw everything completely out of whack? I want to continue to ride this wave but don't want to do anything stupid and permanently damage myself.

Continuing to "ride this wave" isn't a good idea. Recuperate, then begin a pressing program again and you will almost certainly be able to regain the strength you've already achieved again.

Hi everyone. I just completed a cycle of Kettlebell Maximorum and started the Giant. I experienced great gains in pressing strength but now have pain in my left shoulder. I want to lay off the left shoulder to let things heal but don't want to lose my progress or break my momentum. Are there any recommendations for programming for 6-8 weeks? Is one sided Giant a possibility or will that throw everything completely out of whack? I want to continue to ride this wave but don't want to do anything stupid and permanently damage myself.

Thanks in advance.
How's an appropriate size bell bottoms up press on your left side ?
What I would do (I have a history of funky shoulder)

Consult a physio
Focus on front squats at the moment (maybe some swings if your shoulder allows it)
I would hit up a chiropractor. Hopefully it’s just something minor they can adjust. Ice baths help quite a bit for achy joints. I personally like to rotate a high volume pressing program and follow it up with a lower volume one. Or switch to some barbell work and just kb press one day per week with a sorta 5 rep max weight for a 3x3 or 2x5 to maintain the strength in that lift. It works pretty well.
You are probably going to have to lay off pressing for a bit. Maybe find a couple of exercises that help stablise your shoulder.
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