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Other/Mixed Need to strengthen my iliopsoas

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)
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Level 6 Valued Member
Skipping the background, a PT did an evaluation of my mobility/ strength and came to this set of recommendations:
" On your file it says you need to strengthen your iliopsoas (hip flexor) and stretch your iliotibia band (itb) and tensor fasciae latae (tfl) - outside of your hip/leg." This is primarily my right side.
I was supposed to meet with a trainer who was going to show me a set of movements/exercises to do - but for various reasons that's been delayed repeatedly and I'm getting impatient.

I would be most grateful to get some clear direction of what I should do to meet these recommendations.
Skipping the background, a PT did an evaluation of my mobility/ strength and came to this set of recommendations:
" On your file it says you need to strengthen your iliopsoas (hip flexor) and stretch your iliotibia band (itb) and tensor fasciae latae (tfl) - outside of your hip/leg." This is primarily my right side.
I was supposed to meet with a trainer who was going to show me a set of movements/exercises to do - but for various reasons that's been delayed repeatedly and I'm getting impatient.

I would be most grateful to get some clear direction of what I should do to meet these recommendations.

Thank you. So, I guess the last video is for the iliopsoas strengthening.
Are you reccomending all of those 4 - or a subset?
I guess I need to get these kind of bands. Being completely unfamiliar with them: would you be able to offer some guidance? (I'm 170cm/80k)
Thank you. So, I guess the last video is for the iliopsoas strengthening.
Are you reccomending all of those 4 - or a subset?
I guess I need to get these kind of bands. Being completely unfamiliar with them: would you be able to offer some guidance? (I'm 170cm/80k)
You could, but I was thinking just the one I time stamped . Here is another, same exercise, time stamped with his band info.
Also, sets of 15 or so without weight/band will work fine to start.
Could also start with a static hold. Back up against a wall. Lift your knee so your quad. is parallel to the ground. Point your toe to the ground (plantar flexion) to make it tougher. Hold for 30-60 seconds. Add some weight if you like by putting a 5lb plate or more on your thigh.

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Hi Ted;

While playing with some exercises that heard from SF forum members, ( or from a youtube channel I heard hear) I found the happy baby exercise.

When I tried it for trying to see different mobility exercises, to my big surprise I found that, I could not do the move to my left at all!) it was almost unbelievable, I am a quite stiff person, but this is beyond being stiff, there was no feeling at all)

Well I have ignored honestly.

After practicing TGU drills, or Hip Bridges of S&S or Aleks Salkin’s 9 minute challenge ( I think any or all might be helpful) to my delight, I now can roll to left although not smooth.

Do you mind trying an egg roll? And see if it is asymmetric. If it is, you can incorporate egg rolls.

Ps: I am throwing an idea, I don’t know what particular muscle(s) is my issue but I think it might be partially my iliopsoas)
I think I had a minor problem similar to yours. It seems that when I started crawling and marching (Original strength stuff), it got fixed.
That's really encouraging! I'm getting the OS Reset book today... so, hopefully in a couple of weeks i'll start to see some results.

In truth, I'm not sure how to measure it. The only way I know at this time is by trying to do the GUs, which I've put on pause (and which I was totally stuck on before, anyway).
Crawling and marching require active hip flexion so they will strengthen your iliopsoas. Those are good general exercises that should improve the specific muscle you were directed to target. An easy way to increase resistance is by adding a band around your feet, or you can decrease resistance by decreasing the range of motion, shortening the lever, or changing body position to let gravity help you more.

Sam Goldner, DPT
Crawling and marching require active hip flexion so they will strengthen your iliopsoas. Those are good general exercises that should improve the specific muscle you were directed to target. An easy way to increase resistance is by adding a band around your feet, or you can decrease resistance by decreasing the range of motion, shortening the lever, or changing body position to let gravity help you more.

Sam Goldner, DPT

If crawling and marching strengthen your iliopsoas, then I could suggest Aleks Salkin 9 min BW & KB challenge for a short nice non taxing program. You can google and find it, it is a free program.

Then Ted, as you are working on S&S you are not skipping your hardstyle glute bridges in your warm up I assume, that would help also.

I rely on Sam’s advice, I don’t know where exactly iliopsoas is :)
I don’t know where exactly iliopsoas is
Based on what you said about your problem turning over in the GUs - weirdly, I had a very similar problem. A PT did an eval on me, and kind of pushed/prodded my ilopsas in the pelvic area for about 3 minutes.... and all of a sudden, I had full power. I need to do these excersises to strengthen it, to get it up to the proper strength, but it's no longer "stuck" for lack of a better term...
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Crawling and marching require active hip flexion so they will strengthen your iliopsoas. Those are good general exercises that should improve the specific muscle you were directed to target. An easy way to increase resistance is by adding a band around your feet, or you can decrease resistance by decreasing the range of motion, shortening the lever, or changing body position to let gravity help you more.

Sam Goldner, DPT
Thank you!!
Thank you!!
My pleasure.

Just remember, don’t take my internet comments as a replacement for what your PT/trainer tell you; their direct involvement should make them more valuable and customized-for-you than what I am saying, considering we’ve never met in any manner.

Hopefully what I wrote can be of some value until you get something from them, though.

Sam Goldner, DPT
Just remember, don’t take my internet comments as a replacement for what your PT/trainer tell you; their direct involvement should make them more valuable and customized-for-you than what I am saying, considering we’ve never met in any manner.
No worries & no responsibility.

I'll work this through a bit here, trying to use what little common sense i have and coupled with some of the wisdom in this thread.

In the end, my copy of the OS Reset didn't arrive, so I need to work on that part...
This looks great. How was it for you?

I have opened a thread on this one.
You could, but I was thinking just the one I time stamped . Here is another, same exercise, time stamped with his band info.
Also, sets of 15 or so without weight/band will work fine to start.
Could also start with a static hold. Back up against a wall. Lift your knee so your quad. is parallel to the ground. Point your toe to the ground (plantar flexion) to make it tougher. Hold for 30-60 seconds. Add some weight if you like by putting a 5lb plate or more on your thigh.

Slant board front squats are on the first day of every week in my current hypertrophy block.

Thank goodness I'm starting a deload week, because the volume in the last week ramped up to 5 sets and it suuuuuuucked.
It seems that when I started crawling and marching (Original strength stuff),

Hi... my book kinda got stuck with someone else... until i finally get it... I wanted to ask:
  • The marching - seems like the vid above () works on that.
  • And the crawling... I just got a copy of Aleks Salkin's 9 day challenge which introduced me to the way he trains that movement (as silly as that sounds; but when i talk to my family about crawling as an exercise... i get pretty funny we are all far enough away from it that getting "trained" again does make sense...)

If you have other comments or suggestions - most welcome.
Hi... my book kinda got stuck with someone else... until i finally get it... I wanted to ask:
  • The marching - seems like the vid above () works on that.
  • And the crawling... I just got a copy of Aleks Salkin's 9 day challenge which introduced me to the way he trains that movement (as silly as that sounds; but when i talk to my family about crawling as an exercise... i get pretty funny we are all far enough away from it that getting "trained" again does make sense...)

If you have other comments or suggestions - most welcome.

I`m not qualified enough to analyze the similarities or differences of exercises and what works best for you. : )
What I can tell you is how my body has changed through marching and crawling. I feel the big thing is, these movements not only make an individual muscle (iliopsoas, or iliacus & psoas... whatever... ) stronger, but they integrate it to surrounding muscles in the legs, hips, back etc.
I think they also might be good movements to find your weakest link and fix it. The first time I tried leopard crawl, my right ql and hip flexor felt weak and got tired very fast. Now I`m working on crawling for ten minutes straight and there seems to be no difference in right or left side.

In today`s society, where people sit too much, move less and less, are weak and don`t move well when they move, I think you shouldn`t be discouraged by the funny looks you might get when you tell you are practicing crawling. It`s a fundamental human movement, at least the baby variation is. The OS book does a very good job getting the point across I think. Well worth a read!
I`m not qualified enough to analyze the similarities or differences of exercises and what works best for you. : )
What I can tell you is how my body has changed through marching and crawling. I feel the big thing is, these movements not only make an individual muscle (iliopsoas, or iliacus & psoas... whatever... ) stronger, but they integrate it to surrounding muscles in the legs, hips, back etc.
I think they also might be good movements to find your weakest link and fix it. The first time I tried leopard crawl, my right ql and hip flexor felt weak and got tired very fast. Now I`m working on crawling for ten minutes straight and there seems to be no difference in right or left side.

In today`s society, where people sit too much, move less and less, are weak and don`t move well when they move, I think you shouldn`t be discouraged by the funny looks you might get when you tell you are practicing crawling. It`s a fundamental human movement, at least the baby variation is. The OS book does a very good job getting the point across I think. Well worth a read!
I've been baby crawling diligently (as well as doing other OS resets) 3 times a week... but im still having a tough time standing on one leg on my right side. Left side - no problem. Right side... shaky from the ankles up....
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