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My 1st 3 Weeks on TRT


Level 5 Valued Member

  • 56 Years Old
  • Been strength training for a little over 2 years
  • Been struggling with recovery big time - having a hard time progressing (hence struggling to get strong and add muscle)
  • Testosterone in the low to mid 300's, but free and bio-available Test were below the lowest threshold, which finally qualified me to get approved for TRT thru the VA (Veterans Administration).
  • Other Low-T symptoms: Primarily tired in the afternoons, and brainfog for a few years.
  • I've probably listed to 100's of hours of podcast related to low-T and suspected for a while that getting on TRT would help.
TRT Dosage: Once per week (Mondays) injection of 100mg of Testosterone Cypionate. I'll do blood work towards the end of April and assuming all is ok, I'll split up the dosage to twice a week to keep the levels a little more even - probably Mondays and Thursday.

Week #1: I noticed a change within 24 hours. I was a bit shocked actually. I thought maybe it was in my head :) But after 48 hours I definitely noticed changes. My energy level throughout the day nearly consistently good and brainfog was way better. I started to feel brainfoggy and tired towards the end of the week and that's when I did some research to understand the half-life of this stuff and what I experienced seemed to make sense.

Week #2: For the first time since I started lifting over two years ago I actually felt like I recovered! This was very noticeable since this has been one of my top problems. I actually completed an entire 5 days of Power to the People with zero problems and felt recovered. I have tried PTTP in the past and couldn't even recover off 3 days a week and no progression throughout the week. So this was huge! I was also doing a little extra medium-rep work after the two main PTTP lifts. And also interesting is that I could actually feel my back heal as the week progressed. I've been working on fixing my chronic low and mid back pain and it has gotten significantly better over the last two years. But again, I was struggling with recovery and was always sore. But this week #2 I felt almost super human is the only way I know how to say what I experienced. Was weird. On Sunday, the end of the week, was feeling a bit brainfoggy and tired and was actually looking forward to my Monday morning dosage.

Week #3: This week. I got sick. Caught some sort of normal winter cold. So I don't have much to report here as I feel crappy due to the cold. But I was still able to get in 4 days of PTTP at the gym.

So, we'll see how things go. I understand that it can take a few months for your body to fully recover from low-T. So it'll be interesting to see how this year progresses. If I'm able to finally get strong and build muscle that'll be great! I have been telling my doctor for about 3 years that I think I need TRT so on the other hand I'm a bit disappointed that I haven't been on this sooner. I'm just glad that I stuck to my guns and kept being my own best advocate for my health.
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