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Meet Report: National Powerlifting League (NPL) Drug Tested 2024 National

Steve Freides

Senior Certified Instructor Emeritus
Elite Certified Instructor
The human side of things at the end. Video at the end, too.

Pre-meet and weigh-in:

NPL is a relatively new federation, begun, after an USPA scandal, by some former USPA state chairpeople.

Existing records: For my age/weight/Raw, no records existed at any level, drug tested or non-tested, across state, national, and world.

Registration: Full Power, BP Only, DL Only - separate records are kept for BP- and DL-only.

Weighed in Thursday at 67.1 kg (147.93 lb) for the 67.5 kg weight class. Dropping weight was pretty painless this time - woke up .2 kg (.4 lg) over, soaked in a hot tub for 20 minutes, out for 20 minutes, in for 20 minutes a second time. M65-69, Raw. Division allows sleeves and a belt, I used neither.

Results, short version:

SQ - 98 kg, 102.5, fail 108
BP - 80, 82.5, fail 85
DL - 152.5, fail162.5, skipped 3rd attempt

A bunch of gold medals, all NJ state records, all national tested records, some WR.

Results, longer version:

NPL counts tested results for non-tested records.

NPL has place-holders for national and world records. That means you can set state records by lifting an empty bar, but for national and world records, you have to beat a number decided on by the federation and put into the record books but without a lifter's name.

Before the start of the meet, place holders were:

Tested, National:​
SQ = 97.5 kg​
BP = 60 kg​
DL = 97.5 kg​
No placeholders shown for BP only and DL only so I assume they're the same​
Non-tested, National:​
SQ = 110kg​
BP = 70 kg​
DL = 110kg,​
Nothing for single lift so I again assume they're the same​
Tested, World:​
SQ = 107.5 kg​
BP = 70 kg​
DL = 107.5 kg​
BP-only and DL-only same​
World is Tested Only​

I set:

All NJ records: PL for SQ, BP, DL, Total, BP-only, DL-only for both tested and non-tested.​
National, tested: PL for SQ, BP, DL and Total, BP-only, DL-only​
National, non-tested: PL for BP, DL and Total, BP-only, DL-only​
World, tested: PL for BP, DL and total, BP-only, DL-only​


I was talking to Fabio a couple of weeks ago, and he asked me how my training was going. My answer was, "My training isn't going all that well, but the rest of my life is great." And that's how it's been. I've been crazy busy. Lots is going on in my wife's professional life, in each of my kids' professional and personal lives and those things certainly have my participation, attention, etc.

My wife's step-mother passed away about six months ago - she left a mess of an estate, and I am the executor of that estate, and it's still not completely settled, and that's been a big drain on my time and my attention. The good/funny news: along the way, our lawyer first told me I was ready to hang out my shingle as a professional estate administrator, and she later changed that to being almost ready to be an estate paralegal. It's been interesting, it's been education, but it's not only been a drain on my resources - my wife's step-mother was 102 years old, and we spent a lot of time helping her these last few years. It's been a loss, but it's also the big realization that comes when everyone of the previous generation in your family is no longer alive - my wife and I are now the oldest generation of our families, and if I'm still here next Spring, I'll turn 70 years old. That's a lot to process.

I've been competing at powerlifting a lot lately and I'm ready for a break. I've decided to run the Brooklyn half-marathon with my oldest son next Spring, so my strength training will be minimalistic and I'm honestly looking forward to that. The biggest "aha" moment of this most recent powerlifting meet was missing 162.5 kg as my second DL. That's a lift I can count on being able to make in training almost any day, and so is 165 kg. That I didn't get it was an indication that I need a break.

The meet was held over Friday and Saturday. The meet director told me I might be in the running for Best Masters Lifter and asked if I could come back at the end of the lifting on Saturday to be around for that. I showed up when he told me he thought the lifting for Saturday would be done and they were still BP'ing, so I decided not to stay. Anyway, I think they figure this on DOTS and I don't think DOTS takes age into account, so I"m pretty sure I was not the best Masters Lifter.

NPL - seems to be a great organization, lots of familiar faces from the USPA and, as a lifter, I was very happy.

Other: I'll come back and post some of the videos from the meet. I fought the good fight for my third squat, but my third BP just sat on my chest, and as mentioned above my 2nd DL didn't go, either.

Thanks for reading, and in closing I'd like to say: If skinny, old me can do this, so can any of you who are reading this and have never been in a powerlifting competition. The people couldn't be friendlier, and there were some first-timers, older women, who did great - they posted a result bench pressing the bar with a 2.5 kg weight and clamp on each side, and we all cheered for them. You don't have to lift really heavy or anything like that, you just have to have the intestinal fortitude to show up and perform on the public record and you'll get a ton of support if you do.

Great job, Steve! Records and medals...always impressive. And beautiful squat form.

That is so true about support no matter what weight you're lifting. It's great to compete when you get a chance. Good for everyone.

I think you'll enjoy the break from powerlifting to focus on running as much as I'm currently enjoying my break from weightlifting to focus on cycling. I'm still doing a bit of weightlifting, just much less volume, and not pushing upwards or running anything like a competition prep cycle.
Great work @Steve Freides!

Like @Anna C mentioned, I think taking a break from the "intense" lifting to pursue another target will bring a bit of fire back to the lifting over time.

Strength work was the only thing I did for many years; I stepped away to pursue running and ended up getting into indoor rowing / erging as the running was just taking a bit of a toll.

I've incorporated kettlebells a bit and now I am incorporating the barbell again; I'm really enjoying the blend or mix of rowing and strength work.
Great job, Steve! Records and medals...always impressive. And beautiful squat form.
Thank you, @Anna C!

I think you'll enjoy the break from powerlifting to focus on running as much as I'm currently enjoying my break from weightlifting to focus on cycling.
That's the plan. My first timed walk+run mile was 14:56 about a week ago. Today's was 13:19. Onward from here!

I seem to be healing my damaged-goods right shoulder through light weight, non-bearing-hand-touching-bearing-foot windmills. I'm keeping those for sure and keeping my fingers crossed that I can eventually move a real weight again. Otherwise, I'll keep some rings work, some pushups, and play with SFG skills. No SQ/BP/DL for a bit, and likely a return to a minimalist program in a few weeks. Likely I'll play with SFG skills over the winter as well.

The human side of things at the end. Video at the end, too.

Pre-meet and weigh-in:

NPL is a relatively new federation, begun, after an USPA scandal, by some former USPA state chairpeople.

Existing records: For my age/weight/Raw, no records existed at any level, tested or non-tested, across state, national, and world.

Registration: Full Power, BP Only, DL Only - separate records are kept for BP- and DL-only.

Weighed in Thursday at 67.1 kg (147.93 lb) for the 67.5 kg weight class. Dropping weight was pretty painless this time - woke up .2 kg (.4 lg) over, soaked in a hot tub for 20 minutes, out for 20 minutes, in for 20 minutes a second time. M65-69, Raw. Division allows sleeves and a belt, I used neither.

Results, short version:

SQ - 98 kg, 102.5, fail 108
BP - 80, 82.5, fail 85
DL - 152.5, fail162.5, skipped 3rd attempt

A bunch of gold medals, all NJ state records, all national tested records, some WR.

Results, longer version:

NPL counts tested results for non-tested records.

NPL has place-holders for national and world records. That means you can set state records by lifting an empty bar, but for national and world records, you have to beat a number decided on by the federation and put into the record books but without a lifter's name.

Before the start of the meet, place holders were:

Tested, National:​
SQ = 97.5 kg​
BP = 60 kg​
DL = 97.5 kg​
No placeholders shown for BP only and DL only so I assume they're the same​
Non-tested, National:​
SQ = 110kg​
BP = 70 kg​
DL = 110kg,​
Nothing for single lift so I again assume they're the same​
Tested, World:​
SQ = 107.5 kg​
BP = 70 kg​
DL = 107.5 kg​
BP-only and DL-only same​
World is Tested Only​

I set:

All NJ records: PL for SQ, BP, DL, Total, BP-only, DL-only for both tested and non-tested.​
National, tested: PL for SQ, BP, DL and Total, BP-only, DL-only​
National, non-tested: PL for BP, DL and Total, BP-only, DL-only​
World, tested: PL for BP, DL and total, BP-only, DL-only​


I was talking to Fabio a couple of weeks ago, and he asked me how my training was going. My answer was, "My training isn't going all that well, but the rest of my life is great." And that's how it's been. I've been crazy busy. Lots is going on in my wife's professional life, in each of my kids' professional and personal lives and those things certainly have my participation, attention, etc.

My wife's step-mother passed away about six months ago - she left a mess of an estate, and I am the executor of that estate, and it's still not completely settled, and that's been a big drain on my time and my attention. The good/funny news: along the way, our lawyer first told me I was ready to hang out my shingle as a professional estate administrator, and she later changed that to being almost ready to be an estate paralegal. It's been interesting, it's been education, but it's not only been a drain on my resources - my wife's step-mother was 102 years old, and we spent a lot of time helping her these last few years. It's been a loss, but it's also the big realization that comes when everyone of the previous generation in your family is no longer alive - my wife and I are now the oldest generation of our families, and if I'm still here next Spring, I'll turn 70 years old. That's a lot to process.

I've been competing at powerlifting a lot lately and I'm ready for a break. I've decided to run the Brooklyn half-marathon with my oldest son next Spring, so my strength training will be minimalistic and I'm honestly looking forward to that. The biggest "aha" moment of this most recent powerlifting meet was missing 162.5 kg as my second DL. That's a lift I can count on being able to make in training almost any day, and so is 165 kg. That I didn't get it was an indication that I need a break.

The meet was held over Friday and Saturday. The meet director told me I might be in the running for Best Masters Lifter and asked if I could come back at the end of the lifting on Saturday to be around for that. I showed up when he told me he thought the lifting for Saturday would be done and they were still BP'ing, so I decided not to stay. Anyway, I think they figure this on DOTS and I don't think DOTS takes age into account, so I"m pretty sure I was not the best Masters Lifter.

NPL - seems to be a great organization, lots of familiar faces from the USPA and, as a lifter, I was very happy.

Other: I'll come back and post some of the videos from the meet. I fought the good fight for my third squat, but my third BP just sat on my chest, and as mentioned above my 2nd DL didn't go, either.

Thanks for reading, and in closing I'd like to say: If skinny, old me can do this, so can any of you who are reading this and have never been in a powerlifting competition. The people couldn't be friendlier, and there were some first-timers, older women, who did great - they posted a result bench pressing the bar with a 2.5 kg weight and clamp on each side, and we all cheered for them. You don't have to lift really heavy or anything like that, you just have to have the intestinal fortitude to show up and perform on the public record and you'll get a ton of support if you do.


Congratulations! Great performance and an even greater post! You truly are an inspiration, sir!
Thanks for sharing the insights you’ve gained! I don’t envy the level of involvement an estate takes from you….my mother in law is just wrapping up a “simple” estate after about a years worth of effort. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Enjoy training for the half marathon!
Love it, man.

I've been recently getting the itch to compete again. I haven't done an official sanctioned PL meet since late 2011 at 34yo (a few days before I met my now wife). Last time I competed in anything official was a strongman comp in 2012. I did my gym's unofficial meet about a year and a half ago and that was fun. I'm now much stronger than I was then. I've looked up the CO state records for my age and weight class for raw, tested feds and most look pretty attainable for me. Might look at the fall meets and pick one to finally compete in again.
Love it, man.

I've been recently getting the itch to compete again. I haven't done an official sanctioned PL meet since late 2011 at 34yo (a few days before I met my now wife). Last time I competed in anything official was a strongman comp in 2012. I did my gym's unofficial meet about a year and a half ago and that was fun. I'm now much stronger than I was then. I've looked up the CO state records for my age and weight class for raw, tested feds and most look pretty attainable for me. Might look at the fall meets and pick one to finally compete in again.
Tempus fugit.
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