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Kettlebell Matching Plan 025 with Quicksilver critique


Level 6 Valued Member
Looking for critiques and thoughts on the following idea.

  1. Fat Loss
  2. increase aerobic base for martial arts (I do 2 styles), especially for judo
  3. increase flexibility for side kicks and other martial art endeavors.
  4. other "what the hell effects"?
Quicksilver is a stretching program that is done 5 days per week with varying Easy/Medium/Heavy days. It easily adresses one of my goals. Unfortunately there isn't much in SE Express manual that matches this 5days/week break out for the first two goals. Plan 025 looks like it would be the best match. But I must make some reasonable modifications to 025 and Quicksilver.

First and only mod to Quicksilver, inverse the supplied weeks one and two of any chart so that the Heavy Friday falls on the last day of the the two week phase. It maintains respect for all rules of that program but sets me up for the "required" changes to 025.

OK, now for the "gasp" changes to 025 to make it fit my needs... First big change, is to make it 5 days per week. It's heavy/med/light days will now match the Quicksilver schedule above. The test day is only done once every two weeks, on the last "Heavy Day" that falls on a Friday. The Wednesday and Tuesday heavy days are repeats of the previous test day. On the light days, drop the bell weight 8KG down. All other rules are respected.

The idea behind my changes to 025: It is suggested in Quicksilver to match your training Heavy Medium Light to the quicksilver days. So you get real waving and real recovery. Becuase I'm adding weekly volume by adding days to 025 something else has to be done to offset that. And so first, by further reducing the light days intensity. Second I'm delaying the increase in the total weekly volume from once per week to once every two weeks. This delay ensures I own the existing volume.

Plan 025 says to do your strength training on the other days. I don't have "other days" any more. So I introduce GTG on two exercises, MP and Pistols. Keeping with the theme of H/M/L days... Use your 5-7 RM of these two exercises do the prescibed reps per set coresponding to the type of day: L=1rep, M=2rep, H=3rep. Retest your GTG exercises once every 4 weeks on that last Heavy Friday of the month.

Additional Details:
Do 025 in the AM and do Quicksilver in the PM
Weekends are off from all training, it's summer time.

One would normally follow this for the duration of a Quicksilver cycle they are doing. eg 8-12 weeks with one or two weeks off between this and the next program of their choice. The "off" weeks is when you do your testing between programs.
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Sorry, I am missing the why behind switching to five days on Plan 025. I like the idea of five times per week but why deviate from the L, M, H format when your ambition is to align these days with the Quicksilver days?

I'd do Mon, Wed, Fri as Plan 025 + Quicksilver (in whichever sequence)
Then Tue and Thu as strength.

I'm currently doing, from SEE, Plan 524A currently with two days of The Triple Threat over working week and seeing good progress.

Just opened Quicksilver and I had misremembered the format...

Could you just align the Plan 025 over two weeks coinciding with the Quicksilver M, W, F format?. e.g..
Mon Light, Wed Light, Fri Heavy
Mon Medium, Wed Heavy, Fri Medium
Then still do strength on Tue and Thu and similarly match this intensity wise to the Quicksilver days?
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S&S might be a good fit, too. I’m currently doing 025, and I definitely have to plan recovery time. It doesn’t seem hard when you are doing it, but I really find I need more sleep. If I do something light on my off day I find that I’m not all the way ready to rock on my next scheduled training day.

Best of luck, whatever you choose!
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