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Other/Mixed Looking for input on full body routine idea

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)


Level 4 Valued Member
I am currently running a pretty basic ABA BAB upper/lower that involves AM workouts that are Calisthenics/Kettlebell focused and PM workouts that are barbell focused. Im pretty happy with the routine but after a few weeks of being sick, scheduling upsets, general life stuff. I noticed though that when these unexpected situations occurred I would go a few weeks without any Upper or Lower workouts depending on what part of my week was interrupted.

That being said, I've been messing around with a full body routine idea that 1) keeps each session fairly short 2) hits Press, Pull, Squat, Hinge each day and 3) allows me to take advantage of my KBs AND gym for each type life throughout the week. This is what I got right now, totally open to thoughts and suggestions -



Press - C&P

Pull - Chin-Ups


Hinge - Deadlift

Squat - Leg Press



Squat - Front Squat

Hinge - Swings


Press - Incline DB Press

Pull - Cable Rows



Press - Dips

Pull - Rows


Squat - Back Squat

Hinge - RDL
I think it looks good if you have the time to train twice per day. The only thing I would add is more swings. I really like getting some swings in before deadlifting and they seem to be a great warm-up before squats too. I'm usually primed enough after the swings to go to work without having to warm up more.
What about some kind of 4 session rotation where you simply go through A, B, C, D, repeat. This could offer some flexibility in that you simply hit the next session whenever you do train. I would train one main lift a day with a bit of "circuit" style of work after. Based on the way I would set it up, it would be important to modulate volume so you don't bury yourself.

A: Barbell "Squat" - Squat, Front Squat, Safety Bar Squat, etc.

B: Barbell "Press" - Bench Press, Standing Press, Incline Press, etc.

C: Barbell "Hinge" - Deadlift, Deadlift Variations, etc.

D: Barbell "Pull" - Barbell Row, Pendlay Row, Weighted Pullup

The circuit style accessory work would ideally be 3 movements. Look up "Wendler Walrus" for ideas.

I think I would do a single full-body routine and aim for 3x / week.

Squat x 10 minutes
SLDL x 10 minutes
Chin-up x 10 minutes
Dip x 10 minutes

It wouldn't matter if you had to push it back a day or two. For me, this would be the best solution to your problem. Less moving parts, less things to go wrong.
What about some kind of 4 session rotation where you simply go through A, B, C, D, repeat. This could offer some flexibility in that you simply hit the next session whenever you do train. I would train one main lift a day with a bit of "circuit" style of work after. Based on the way I would set it up, it would be important to modulate volume so you don't bury yourself.

A: Barbell "Squat" - Squat, Front Squat, Safety Bar Squat, etc.

B: Barbell "Press" - Bench Press, Standing Press, Incline Press, etc.

C: Barbell "Hinge" - Deadlift, Deadlift Variations, etc.

D: Barbell "Pull" - Barbell Row, Pendlay Row, Weighted Pullup

The circuit style accessory work would ideally be 3 movements. Look up "Wendler Walrus" for ideas.

I like this! Definitely going to dig into this.
I’d probably do an ABA ABA
Where A is:
Swings and sprints
PM is squat and bench

Kettlebell carry
Deads and overheads

Basically focus on conditioning with the kettlebells and strength with the barbells
Quite like this. Where the morning session ‘primes’ the evening one. I think I’d keep volumes low and rests long and be vigilant to drops in performance, but that’s def an experiment I’d do if I had this kind of time available.

I’d prob also start really sub maximal to acclimate to the stress before pushing it, and consider only seeking true progress in the evening? Eg am session is a maintenance dose once a level is attained
I’d probably do an ABA ABA
Where A is:
Swings and sprints
PM is squat and bench

Kettlebell carry
Deads and overheads

Basically focus on conditioning with the kettlebells and strength with the barbells
Sprints, if you're able to do them without injury, are such a valuable tool.

I did a few sessions of hill sprints and push ups and really enjoyed them; something like a 10 rounds of a hard 8-10 second hill sprints, walk back down, at the 1:30 mark, 10 hard powerful push ups, at the 3:00 mark, repeat.
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