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Looking for advice - strength fat-loss program


Level 1 Valued Member
Hello everyone!

First, I want to express my gratitude for this forum and this community. Reading these sharings about achieved results or tips for programs and exercises is inspiring and motivating.

I would appreciate any advice you can give me. As a youngster, I loved lifting heavy (Korte, Russian Bear Routine, Bulgarian method, Westside Barbell stuff) until I started to serve in the army (a lot of running, pull-ups, push-ups, rucking marches, etc..), where my Kettlebell journey began and spent few years with singles. I was intrigued by Pavel's material, and his books S&S and Q&D were a good start for me. They helped keep my form up and positively impacted my condition during military bodyweight and PTs.

Now, after retirement, I’m working in the civilian sector, and I have a stressful job, and my form is not as it used to be.
I’m 31– 110kg Bodyweight and crave to lift heavy again. I started in January this year when I discovered Kettlebell Hard and saw the program „The Wolf. “I had only my 20s at my disposal and gave it a try, thinking I would make it. No. I could manage it until Day 3 – when I had a feeling that I would puke my lungs out. There, I realized how my form was - poor. I humbled myself and tried „YDKS 2.0,“ which seemed worse than „The Wolf“ to me.

In February, I discovered the KB Manifesto from Hector Gutierrez (thanks, Mark Limbaga) and gave it a chance.
I saw results in strength and condition; it was my first Double Kettlebell program that I could follow as written without any additions.
Humbling experience.
To be honest - I did not control my diet, and sometimes I ate junk food, but still, there were significant results.

I browsed this forum and saw many topics about LCCJ. For some reason, I feared Jerk because it seemed too tricky to use a technique, but my curiosity was more substantial than my hesitation. I gave it a try and started practicing singles and doubles.

The doubles (and jerk exercise!) captured my heart. I plan to finish series program 701, but I need rest from complexes and want to give impulsiveness to it.
There is something about Jerk exercise.

I am an endomorph, so it is easier for me to gain weight than lose fat, even if I could manage it as a military guy, but it was another regime. I aim to strip fat off, lose weight, and be more conditioned. If it takes longer, so be it – through strength and endurance training – I like to lift heavy weights.

Recently, I tested max repetitions for a few disciplines, so maybe it will be helpful in advice:

Double Press: 2x28kg – 6 Reps (struggled last rep)
Double Clean & Jerk: 2x28 – 6 Reps (struggled previous rep)
Double Front Squat: 2x28 – 6 Reps (struggled – felt abs hard)
Double Clean & Jerk: 2x20 – 15 Reps (lungs nearly out)
Double Jerk (only): 2x24kg – 10 Reps

These are the bells at my disposal:
2x20kg, 2x24kg, 2x28kg

But in some time, there will also be 2x32kg.

I'm looking forward to any advice from more experienced guys regarding program recommendations, tips, and what brought you the most results.

Thank you in advance, and wish you all the best!

Hello everyone!

First, I want to express my gratitude for this forum and this community. Reading these sharings about achieved results or tips for programs and exercises is inspiring and motivating.

I would appreciate any advice you can give me. As a youngster, I loved lifting heavy (Korte, Russian Bear Routine, Bulgarian method, Westside Barbell stuff) until I started to serve in the army (a lot of running, pull-ups, push-ups, rucking marches, etc..), where my Kettlebell journey began and spent few years with singles. I was intrigued by Pavel's material, and his books S&S and Q&D were a good start for me. They helped keep my form up and positively impacted my condition during military bodyweight and PTs.

Now, after retirement, I’m working in the civilian sector, and I have a stressful job, and my form is not as it used to be.
I’m 31– 110kg Bodyweight and crave to lift heavy again. I started in January this year when I discovered Kettlebell Hard and saw the program „The Wolf. “I had only my 20s at my disposal and gave it a try, thinking I would make it. No. I could manage it until Day 3 – when I had a feeling that I would puke my lungs out. There, I realized how my form was - poor. I humbled myself and tried „YDKS 2.0,“ which seemed worse than „The Wolf“ to me.

In February, I discovered the KB Manifesto from Hector Gutierrez (thanks, Mark Limbaga) and gave it a chance.
I saw results in strength and condition; it was my first Double Kettlebell program that I could follow as written without any additions.
Humbling experience.
To be honest - I did not control my diet, and sometimes I ate junk food, but still, there were significant results.

I browsed this forum and saw many topics about LCCJ. For some reason, I feared Jerk because it seemed too tricky to use a technique, but my curiosity was more substantial than my hesitation. I gave it a try and started practicing singles and doubles.

The doubles (and jerk exercise!) captured my heart. I plan to finish series program 701, but I need rest from complexes and want to give impulsiveness to it.
There is something about Jerk exercise.

I am an endomorph, so it is easier for me to gain weight than lose fat, even if I could manage it as a military guy, but it was another regime. I aim to strip fat off, lose weight, and be more conditioned. If it takes longer, so be it – through strength and endurance training – I like to lift heavy weights.

Recently, I tested max repetitions for a few disciplines, so maybe it will be helpful in advice:

Double Press: 2x28kg – 6 Reps (struggled last rep)
Double Clean & Jerk: 2x28 – 6 Reps (struggled previous rep)
Double Front Squat: 2x28 – 6 Reps (struggled – felt abs hard)
Double Clean & Jerk: 2x20 – 15 Reps (lungs nearly out)
Double Jerk (only): 2x24kg – 10 Reps

These are the bells at my disposal:
2x20kg, 2x24kg, 2x28kg

But in some time, there will also be 2x32kg.

I'm looking forward to any advice from more experienced guys regarding program recommendations, tips, and what brought you the most results.

Thank you in advance, and wish you all the best!

Glad I was able to help

Have you considered running the DUB manifesto starting with Genesis then working your way up to 701a but with this detail: try eating 200 calories less than maintenance.. That isn't much to ask and you can sustain it long term
Glad I was able to help

Have you considered running the DUB manifesto starting with Genesis then working your way up to 701a but with this detail: try eating 200 calories less than maintenance.. That isn't much to ask and you can sustain it long term
Hey Mark,

Thanks for your response! I was also reading through Genesis, and even though I was tempted to skip to 701a, I'm glad I went through the entire process. By the way, I don't understand the shortcut "DUB" - can you please explain?

For strength training during a fat loss phase I’d typically say cut back on volume, keep up the intensity, cut back on food and keep up some cardio you enjoy.

If you enjoy using kettlebells though and want to employ them as the main tool, maybe have a program that features some low volume grinds and some higher volume of ballistics.

I always liked Pavel’s total package workout (see articles). That coupled with a calorie deficit would work well I think. Was one of my lockdown go-to templates
Hello everyone!

First, I want to express my gratitude for this forum and this community. Reading these sharings about achieved results or tips for programs and exercises is inspiring and motivating.

I would appreciate any advice you can give me. As a youngster, I loved lifting heavy (Korte, Russian Bear Routine, Bulgarian method, Westside Barbell stuff) until I started to serve in the army (a lot of running, pull-ups, push-ups, rucking marches, etc..), where my Kettlebell journey began and spent few years with singles. I was intrigued by Pavel's material, and his books S&S and Q&D were a good start for me. They helped keep my form up and positively impacted my condition during military bodyweight and PTs.

Now, after retirement, I’m working in the civilian sector, and I have a stressful job, and my form is not as it used to be.
I’m 31– 110kg Bodyweight and crave to lift heavy again. I started in January this year when I discovered Kettlebell Hard and saw the program „The Wolf. “I had only my 20s at my disposal and gave it a try, thinking I would make it. No. I could manage it until Day 3 – when I had a feeling that I would puke my lungs out. There, I realized how my form was - poor. I humbled myself and tried „YDKS 2.0,“ which seemed worse than „The Wolf“ to me.

In February, I discovered the KB Manifesto from Hector Gutierrez (thanks, Mark Limbaga) and gave it a chance.
I saw results in strength and condition; it was my first Double Kettlebell program that I could follow as written without any additions.
Humbling experience.
To be honest - I did not control my diet, and sometimes I ate junk food, but still, there were significant results.

I browsed this forum and saw many topics about LCCJ. For some reason, I feared Jerk because it seemed too tricky to use a technique, but my curiosity was more substantial than my hesitation. I gave it a try and started practicing singles and doubles.

The doubles (and jerk exercise!) captured my heart. I plan to finish series program 701, but I need rest from complexes and want to give impulsiveness to it.
There is something about Jerk exercise.

I am an endomorph, so it is easier for me to gain weight than lose fat, even if I could manage it as a military guy, but it was another regime. I aim to strip fat off, lose weight, and be more conditioned. If it takes longer, so be it – through strength and endurance training – I like to lift heavy weights.

Recently, I tested max repetitions for a few disciplines, so maybe it will be helpful in advice:

Double Press: 2x28kg – 6 Reps (struggled last rep)
Double Clean & Jerk: 2x28 – 6 Reps (struggled previous rep)
Double Front Squat: 2x28 – 6 Reps (struggled – felt abs hard)
Double Clean & Jerk: 2x20 – 15 Reps (lungs nearly out)
Double Jerk (only): 2x24kg – 10 Reps

These are the bells at my disposal:
2x20kg, 2x24kg, 2x28kg

But in some time, there will also be 2x32kg.

I'm looking forward to any advice from more experienced guys regarding program recommendations, tips, and what brought you the most results.

Thank you in advance, and wish you all the best!

Over my 60 years journey thus far in physical fitness I have discovered the solution to body composition problems is not always "more/different" exercises/routines. I went on the carnivore diet and my long time "love handles" melted away. Same routines, and different results.
Hey Mark,

Thanks for your response! I was also reading through Genesis, and even though I was tempted to skip to 701a, I'm glad I went through the entire process. By the way, I don't understand the shortcut "DUB" - can you please explain?

DKB.. the acronym for double kettlebell manifesto.. it was a typo (thank you autocorrect)
For strength training during a fat loss phase I’d typically say cut back on volume, keep up the intensity, cut back on food and keep up some cardio you enjoy.

If you enjoy using kettlebells though and want to employ them as the main tool, maybe have a program that features some low volume grinds and some higher volume of ballistics.

I always liked Pavel’s total package workout (see articles). That coupled with a calorie deficit would work well I think. Was one of my lockdown go-to templates
I've done some research and looked into RMF and the Burn Extreme program from GN. RMF seems more manageable as it's only three days per week and focuses on the main lift, LCCJ, which I mentioned before. Additionally, it meets the recommendations you mentioned for low volume. I still need to figure out what "Jerk" stands for in relation to the grinds and ballistics.
Over my 60 years journey thus far in physical fitness I have discovered the solution to body composition problems is not always "more/different" exercises/routines. I went on the carnivore diet and my long time "love handles" melted away. Same routines, and different results.
Thank you for sharing your experience! Well, Carnivore diet, I need to prepare to make this step forward. But as far I can see - results were fast and amazing, yes ?
Easy Strength For Fat Loss is a fantastic program for both building strength and losing fat. I highly recommend it.
Thanks! I will consider this as a future recommendation and assess its suitability.
If you like doubles you can look at Dry Fighting Weight, The Giant and Strong, all of them by Geoff Neupert.
DFW looks great - any ballistics or just grinds? Checked GN site for RMF program - seems to fit my needs with LCCJ mentioned earlier. Thanks for the recommendation.
DKB.. the acronym for double kettlebell manifesto.. it was a typo (thank you autocorrect)
Silly me! Anyway, I had to figure it out; thank you for your response.

"I'm interested in the RMF program and I saw some quotes from you. Should I start with the Novice part, which requires 5 RM, or jump into the program that requires 10 RM? Can you also share your experience and results with the program?

Thanks everyone and have a great day!"
I've done some research and looked into RMF and the Burn Extreme program from GN. RMF seems more manageable as it's only three days per week and focuses on the main lift, LCCJ, which I mentioned before. Additionally, it meets the recommendations you mentioned for low volume. I still need to figure out what "Jerk" stands for in relation to the grinds and ballistics.

Thank you for sharing your experience! Well, Carnivore diet, I need to prepare to make this step forward. But as far I can see - results were fast and amazing, yes ?

Thanks! I will consider this as a future recommendation and assess its suitability.

DFW looks great - any ballistics or just grinds? Checked GN site for RMF program - seems to fit my needs with LCCJ mentioned earlier. Thanks for the recommendation.

Silly me! Anyway, I had to figure it out; thank you for your response.

"I'm interested in the RMF program and I saw some quotes from you. Should I start with the Novice part, which requires 5 RM, or jump into the program that requires 10 RM? Can you also share your experience and results with the program?

Thanks everyone and have a great day!"
Got decent results on RMF. I got to look at my notes but I did ph1 twice and turned my 10rm into a 15rm..

For context, I was already at the "I'm strong enough to hurt myself" Level when I ran RMF (used double 28s at a bodyweight of 145lbs)

Hindsight being 20-20, if I wanted to run a double bell program for fat loss, I'd probably start with the giant 1.0 or enter the double jerk from kettlebell workout snacks. . Or just run the slow and steady second phase of KB strong and keep rest at 2 minutes tops, do the clean and push press with an active negative
Got decent results on RMF. I got to look at my notes but I did ph1 twice and turned my 10rm into a 15rm..

For context, I was already at the "I'm strong enough to hurt myself" Level when I ran RMF (used double 28s at a bodyweight of 145lbs)

Hindsight being 20-20, if I wanted to run a double bell program for fat loss, I'd probably start with the giant 1.0 or enter the double jerk from kettlebell workout snacks. . Or just run the slow and steady second phase of KB strong and keep rest at 2 minutes tops, do the clean and push press with an active negative
Speaking of "I'm strong enough to hurt myself," you literally described what I was thinking—go heavy with the 2x28kg Novice phase and see what happens. I understand the principles of the Jerk movement, and I am practicing at least 30 reps total during the day to sharpen my technique before jumping on a serious program.

My aim is fat loss, so I am happy that you shared the next options. GIANT 1.0 seems legit, and honestly, I didn't think that it was focused on fat loss but on the opposite—hypertrophy. Plus, it's only CLEAN & PRESS, but if I am correct, it might be used as a C&J movement.

Well, there are many options, so I am glad. Thanks for sharing those tips.

P.S. It's somehow difficult to be humble because there is a desire to jump straight on—something heavier—but I'll be more conservative for the sake of technique and preventing injuries. I think that 2x24kg will be the sweet spot. They are neither heavy nor light.
Over my 60 years journey thus far in physical fitness I have discovered the solution to body composition problems is not always "more/different" exercises/routines. I went on the carnivore diet and my long time "love handles" melted away. Same routines, and different results.
I am in total agreement with the above statement. Another Old-timer here, and lifelong gym rat. My feeling from experience is that losing weight(fat) is 90% Diet/10% Exercise. Okay I'll concede that's a bit exaggerated, but probably closer to 75-80% Diet/ 20-25% Exercise. I didn't get this ratio until in my late 40's/early 50's.

This is totally my opinion, but I believe with the right diet(carnivore, low-carb/high fat & protein, etc, ) you could just walk more and have your exercise program designed by a group of 5th-grade boys, and it will work. Have a crappy diet, and almost nothing works as well. At my worst shape, my weight was 260+lbs. at 6'4" at 49-50 y.o., and I adopted a modified Atkins diet(Low carb/high fat and protein) and lost 55 lbs, and was never hungry. By modified Atkins, it was far from the strict 20 grams of carbs he recommends.

My exercise was primarily walking 2.5 to 4 miles 4-5 times a week and a freestyle Kbell/weight/calisthenics/hill sprints program of my own design. It was maybe a notch above what the 5th graders might devise. I occasionally missed a whole week at a time, but always kept walking. I changed it frequently, but kept my notebooks to record progress. I was pretty happy to be at 205 lbs. in under a year and maintained that for 15 or more years. It's now at 197-199, and I'm easily the healthiest person among my friends and relatives, by a large margin. That fact does not give me any joy, when I see the sad shape that most of them are in. Okay, I'll climb down off my pulpit. GL
I am doing this exact think currently. Got fat over the last few decades. What I have found works for me is HIT style weight training every 3 days, KB training (swings and bent press) every 3 days, walking twice a day, and 100oz of water every day.
I am in total agreement with the above statement. Another Old-timer here, and lifelong gym rat. My feeling from experience is that losing weight(fat) is 90% Diet/10% Exercise. Okay I'll concede that's a bit exaggerated, but probably closer to 75-80% Diet/ 20-25% Exercise. I didn't get this ratio until in my late 40's/early 50's.

This is totally my opinion, but I believe with the right diet(carnivore, low-carb/high fat & protein, etc, ) you could just walk more and have your exercise program designed by a group of 5th-grade boys, and it will work. Have a crappy diet, and almost nothing works as well. At my worst shape, my weight was 260+lbs. at 6'4" at 49-50 y.o., and I adopted a modified Atkins diet(Low carb/high fat and protein) and lost 55 lbs, and was never hungry. By modified Atkins, it was far from the strict 20 grams of carbs he recommends.

My exercise was primarily walking 2.5 to 4 miles 4-5 times a week and a freestyle Kbell/weight/calisthenics/hill sprints program of my own design. It was maybe a notch above what the 5th graders might devise. I occasionally missed a whole week at a time, but always kept walking. I changed it frequently, but kept my notebooks to record progress. I was pretty happy to be at 205 lbs. in under a year and maintained that for 15 or more years. It's now at 197-199, and I'm easily the healthiest person among my friends and relatives, by a large margin. That fact does not give me any joy, when I see the sad shape that most of them are in. Okay, I'll climb down off my pulpit. GL
WOW! That's huge progress! From 260 lbs to 197 lbs—that's approximately 38kg down.

Diet... a stumbling block—but maybe I need to read this from different perspectives to understand and accept that it's really like that.

Thank you shared - it's inspiring and motivating.
Dry Fighting Weight and a daily walk. Combo'd with a decent diet will give you what you want. I like DFW as the heavier weights will help to keep or maybe improve some of your strength.
There are many praises about DFW program - just one question - is it possible to run it with Jerk exercise aswell instead of press?
Any experience with it?
I am doing this exact think currently. Got fat over the last few decades. What I have found works for me is HIT style weight training every 3 days, KB training (swings and bent press) every 3 days, walking twice a day, and 100oz of water every day.
Thanks for sharing. From the conclusions and tips written above , we are all different, and there is no other option—just pick something from these, give it a try, and see how it goes.

There are so many programs and so many approaches.

I am grateful for this forum and the people here; thank you all for your advice and sharing experiences.
There are many praises about DFW program - just one question - is it possible to run it with Jerk exercise aswell instead of press?
Any experience with it?

DFW is free. It is auto regulated. It respects your time. It involves 3 really good movements. Clean, Press, Squat. It was designed with fat loss and strength in mind. It would be a good place to start. 95% of losing weight is diet, the workout is just to aid the diet with some metabolic stimulation and to see if you can lose weight without dropping muscle. I have always found strength training rather than hypertrophy training seemed to tick all these boxes. I am betting you could run it with Clean and Jerk just fine. Neupert also has a program called Jerk Work I remember it looking pretty good too.
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WOW! That's huge progress! From 260 lbs to 197 lbs—that's approximately 38kg down.

Diet... a stumbling block—but maybe I need to read this from different perspectives to understand and accept that it's really like that.

Thank you shared - it's inspiring and motivating.

There are many praises about DFW program - just one question - is it possible to run it with Jerk exercise aswell instead of press?
Any experience with it?

Thanks for sharing. From the conclusions and tips written above , we are all different, and there is no other option—just pick something from these, give it a try, and see how it goes.

There are so many programs and so many approaches.

I am grateful for this forum and the people here; thank you all for your advice and sharing experiences.
If you're getting overwhelmed with all the diet stuff, start with low hanging fruit..

I always default by focusing on getting about 2 palm size servings of protein to start..
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