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John McKean singles routine


Level 4 Valued Member
I was thinking about doing this routine for bench, deads and squat. Trying to lean down and my joints just can't take much volume these days. Has anyone seen this routine or tried it. Any thoughts appreciated.

I havent tried it;used other routines that lifted>90% of max for singles and it worked well.Some people thrive on low rep/heavy weight.Try it and see if it works for you.
I’ve never heard of it but it sounds interesting. When I was power lifting years ago but couldn’t let my weight go crazy due to my military service I would do a lot of singles with 90% of my max on most lifts. Id finish with a few high rep sets so I’d look good in a speedo.
John's ideas always seemed so much smarter to me a few years after I read something. Be sure to read his work over on dragondoor, it's part of the roots of Easy Strength, and, of course, his insights on Heavy Hands. The guy just seemed to "get it." I have his articles from Hardgainer (the only thing I liked sometimes!), his site, DD, and the book, Heavy Hands. What a loss...
ugh... iso for bench didn't budge today. Wondering if I'm better off doing a slow negative with the ISO hold weight instead of trying to dead bench it.
John's ideas always seemed so much smarter to me a few years after I read something. Be sure to read his work over on dragondoor, it's part of the roots of Easy Strength, and, of course, his insights on Heavy Hands. The guy just seemed to "get it." I have his articles from Hardgainer (the only thing I liked sometimes!), his site, DD, and the book, Heavy Hands. What a loss...

How long would you recommend running a program like this?
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