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if you have chronic pain, consider talking to your doctor

Erik W

Level 6 Valued Member
I have a few recent threads on the topic of back pain, so I just decided to post my update here. I spent a couple of months trying various methods, including McKenzie, McGill, and stretching. I'd start to feel better and then try to accelerate my recovery and then regress.

I finally started physical therapy after my doctor referred me. They have me working on a targeted set of exercises. One big thing is that they helped focus my efforts on the things that specifically help what's up with me. The improvement is marked already. I'm not ready to resume my snatch practice, but I feel much better, and it's generally trending in the right direction.

Frankly, I'm elated. I'm looking forward to getting pain-free, once and for all. This has been one of my most significant hindrances for making long-term progress in my resistance training.

If you've tried a lot of things on your own, and you're not making progress, then I'd recommend talking to your doctor and/or looking into physical therapy.
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I'd also add that even though apparently no one in the fitness industry would say so (and some would say you should NEVER EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES), you ARE allowed to take time off from training to heal.
+1 for this and the OP.

I am currently seeing my PT because I tweaked my rotator cuff somehow. I'm taking a few weeks off of ballistics and BJJ practice to get that healthy again. I also stepped my weight/intensity back significantly for exercises that I have kept in rotation per my PT's guidance. Nothing wrong with resting an injury some, it may be the hardest part of recovery though.

OTOH I will say, I do like to do some movement to keep blood flow moving through injured tissues as long as that movement isn't causing any pain. I believe that helps with recovery but I'm not a professional by any stretch of the imagination. Just my two cents.
My necks been annoyed since January. I do t think ballistics hurt it, but I don’t think it helps. Might bite the bullet and have a month of no ballistics. It’s not that bad at all really, just annoying and I don’t really know why it’s hanging around so long.
I've had great results from physical therapy. I've had shoulder, foot, back, knee, and neck pain. All helped by physical therapy.

You can play around with things you find on the internet, and it might help, but having a professional tell you what you need really speeds up the process.
I agree... If you have pain that won't go away get off the Internet and seek medical help. Obviously pain will come up here and there (especially if you're over 40 lol) but I think it's important to be able to judge if it's something that you can deal with on your own or if it's time to seek medical help.
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