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Kettlebell How to do a proper 10RM test?

This is often a trial process and learning how you respond personally through a few rounds. You're pretty well on point though.

Just a few suggestions:
-A greater build up, 5's in the 2-3 bells below the test weight.

-A double or triple with the weight higher to prime your nervous system.

Either or both, take a generous rest (5-10min) before the test itself.

Film the test to make sure your ego didn't force a bad rep or two at the end. Look professional!

Hope that helps, and good luck!
@TedM, a max test is a test so do the minimum amount of warming up and save yourself for the one big effort.

Note that there is more than one way to judge a max, e.g., around here we differentiate between a competition max and a technical max.

Note also that there are calculators you can use to get you in the ballpark based on a different number of max reps.

There is no way I'd be doing multiple sets of 5 with one bell size down from my old 10RM. If it were me, I'd probably take the test bell, do one set with perhaps 3 reps, rest, then test the max. (This was actually part of a training plan I used years ago. I'd run a 3-day cycle of one day of multiple, shorter sets, then one day with a brief warmup and a max reps sets, then take the third day off. It worked well for me to turn a weight that had been a 1RM weight into something I could do more with.)


I agree with Mark, I like to do a heavier rep before doing a higher rep test. I feel like it primes me well. Like done one rep in your 3-5RM range then drop back and hit your 10RM.
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