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Recommendations/Reviews/FS/WTB Hey Aussies - Interesting Doco Channel 9 : Limitless & Endless Rope

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Level 6 Valued Member
Just bumped into an interesting documentary on channel 9 called Limitless. Episode 4 broadcast a few days ago and can catch up first 3 on internet TV.

The actor, Chris Hemsworth, actor was initially having difficulty climbing up a rope , his coach was a chap called Ross Edgley.

Quick search on google and on this forum shows Ross Edgley mentioned in various discussions on the forum -and over the internet, some astounding achievements - ie climb 27,000 feet up a rope in 24 hours. Pull a mini minor around a marathon course............. And written several books

One of the items mentioned in the doco was an "endless" rope - basically you can climb a rope configured as a never ending loop over a pulley but only stay 1 foot above the ground. Would be fun to "climb" a rope and always be safely knee height off the ground. I imagine a bought one would be thousands of dollars, will do some googling.
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I can highly recommend Ross's books. I have read his titles "The World's Fittest Book" and the "the Art of Resilience" which are both really great. Chock full of lots of good information and a good writing style. Also check out Ross's youtube series on the Great British Swim where he swam around the entirety of mainland Great Britain without setting foot on land.
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