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Greetings from Maryland


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I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m an old warhorse that has come back to some kettlebell work after 26 years of working out using other tools.

I’ve scrolled through about 400 pages on these forums in the last few weeks and thought I’d make an account.

Started back using KB’s four months ago replacing my elliptical or jumping rope in the morning with 100 swings using a 50lb KB and 20 racked squats (into double presses) with two 35lb KB’s Monday-Friday.

I really like that it takes only 10 minutes and according to my heartrate monitor I burn as many calories as 20 minutes on my elliptical.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to continuing reading about all your experiences and maybe even contribute from time to time what I’ve learned mostly through mistakes over my many, many years.
Welcome! Idk where in MD you are but if you're anywhere near Rockville and remotely interested in BJJ you are near my dream gym. Greg Souders at Standard Jiu Jitsu is doing really interesting things.
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