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Easy strength/Sandow

Bradley Duggan

Level 3 Valued Member
Don't string me up, I recently jumped back into a bro split routine realised why I left that style of training behind but got me thinking on how I can use double kettlebells bodybuilding style, to look good naked.

I'd like your thoughts on this programme I came up with its inspired by easy strength and sandow. I train most days rest when needed and using frequency to build muscle and strength.

Only 2 sets of each exersice for max. No rushing all solid practiced reps.
2 sets. Pair of 24s

Front squat
Clean and press
Double swing
Pull up
Floor press
Tricep bell extension

Maybe get to 20 reps for each exersice go up in bell size. Or slow down reps or make the exersice more challenging.

Anyway let me know if anyone has done anything like this.
Not with Kettlebells but with barbells and dumbbells all the time. Also not always two sets but sometimes, more commonly one set if going to failure (classic HIT). If two sets I prefer doing it like a circuit provided the gym is quiet enough. 20 rep sets are fine for hypertrophy but not so good for strength
Don't string me up, I recently jumped back into a bro split routine realised why I left that style of training behind but got me thinking on how I can use double kettlebells bodybuilding style, to look good naked.

I'd like your thoughts on this programme I came up with its inspired by easy strength and sandow. I train most days rest when needed and using frequency to build muscle and strength.

Only 2 sets of each exersice for max. No rushing all solid practiced reps.
2 sets. Pair of 24s

Front squat
Clean and press
Double swing
Pull up
Floor press
Tricep bell extension

Maybe get to 20 reps for each exersice go up in bell size. Or slow down reps or make the exersice more challenging.

Anyway let me know if anyone has done anything like this.
I had my best physique ever, when I was 21 and my training was 1 set of 20 reps for squat, bench press, overhead press, row, lat pulldowns.
The sets were not to failure. Maybe 2-4 rir.
I was doing it 4-5 times per week right after 10km running.
I have no idea why it had worked so good.
I like this. How about trying this as a modification. I think Axe would be very beneficial in this program.
Day 1
Front squat
Clean and press
Pull up
Floor press or dips

Day 2
AXE Swings
Tricep bell extension
Don't string me up, I recently jumped back into a bro split routine realised why I left that style of training behind but got me thinking on how I can use double kettlebells bodybuilding style, to look good naked.

I'd like your thoughts on this programme I came up with its inspired by easy strength and sandow. I train most days rest when needed and using frequency to build muscle and strength.

Only 2 sets of each exersice for max. No rushing all solid practiced reps.
2 sets. Pair of 24s

Front squat
Clean and press
Double swing
Pull up
Floor press
Tricep bell extension

Maybe get to 20 reps for each exersice go up in bell size. Or slow down reps or make the exersice more challenging.

Anyway let me know if anyone has done anything like this.
Quite a few years ago I started using my KBs for dumbells. Bench was done with multiple stacked kbs per hand, with a sandbag for a bench. Bent rows I'd thread a bunch of bells on a heavy piece of canvas. Side laterals, overhead tricep press, double kb front squat, single leg deads.

I was doing pyramid up, DeLorme.
FWIW, a suggestion for the chest movement would be to swap out the floor press for deficit pushups just to get a bigger stimulus for the chest. Unless you have some kind of shoulder injury you're trying to work around. My thinking is that the floor press is going to use mainly the triceps which you would be hitting with the tri extensions and the C&P already. I use the kettlebells for this when I don't have yoga blocks lying around. I just place my palms on the round bell below the handle. Another option would be to swap in dips for half of the sessions instead of the floor press.
I had my best physique ever, when I was 21 and my training was 1 set of 20 reps for squat, bench press, overhead press, row, lat pulldowns.
The sets were not to failure. Maybe 2-4 rir.
I was doing it 4-5 times per week right after 10km running.
I have no idea why it had worked so good.

I put on a surprising amount of mass and strength with Dr. Yessis' 1x20 program.
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