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Other/Mixed EASY MUSCLE (Geoff Neupert)

Other strength modalities (e.g., Clubs), mixed strength modalities (e.g., combined kettlebell and barbell), other goals (flexibility)
I think my year is planned out now. Currently doing DBL cleans only, and want to do Strong ( again ) later in the year, so I think schedule B will slot in between the two. Im in between RM with pressing so I’ll try heavier bells with push press. Can always drop it back.
Is it normal in the 3rd phase of Schedule C for the dips and chins to get brutally hard on the highest rep day? I was expecting just to keep getting better, as things had before. To stick with RPE8 I only got 4 sets and in one set the dips couldn't quite hit the target reps.
I think it depends on what your rep max was before you started Schedule C. So if my dip rep max was only 5 at the start, I would expect the last couple of weeks to be nasty. If OTOH my rep max was 10-12, I'd have better odds of getting through the final set of workouts - not that they would be easy workouts but at least I'd be able to do all the reps.

This is assuming one is following the guardrails. I've seen other people here mention struggling to stick to the autoregulation rules - that is, peeps who can't help but push harder and turn the workout more into a metcon.
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Perhaps there is a learning curve to autoregulation. When cardio is involved, as in swings and cleans, I can tell when I'm puffing too hard. On grinds-only days I may have to practice to try to fit a given RPE.
Perhaps there is a learning curve to autoregulation. When cardio is involved, as in swings and cleans, I can tell when I'm puffing too hard. On grinds-only days I may have to practice to try to fit a given RPE.
I do not find breathing is a great indicator for when to go for grinds like squats and presses. Some people recover breathing wise very quickly but if they were to try a set again, they’d fail. It may have to do with how much “cardio” you do, or it may just differ person to person.
I use the talk test to help determine when to do another set of grinds, as well as a general feeling of readiness to begin each rep explosively (fast concentric, followed by controlled but not super slow eccentric). It seems to coincide with the burning sensation going away - that burning feeling that I get from breathing hard due to effort.

I did have previous experience using the talk test - the Simple and Sinister program.
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A page or two back in this thread I was the guy whose Schedule A plan did not get the expected recomposition results probably due to 100% wrong recovery factors and my overbalanced leg vs arm strength.
Now I tried Schedule C betting that swings could use my leg strength as an asset.

Apparently that was a good bet. I read this whole thread during my first EM run through and do not recall anyone reporting on results from Schedule C. Perhaps it is time for Schedule C to become more popular.

I used to catch myself with poor posture sometimes, even after previous years of S&S-type swings that never used a 10rm. Since four weeks into Schedule C I catch myself all the time with good posture. Is it because the super-heavy swings add so much to the back or is it the chest to bar chinups? Regardless, it is a nice effect.

I was experimenting with adding calories this time and accepted the fact that I gained half an inch on my waist. In a single day of going from calorie restriction to maintenance that happens anyway and is not a big deal. Considering the posture change, I actually look leaner but wouldn't have minded some recomposition.

My dip rep count also remained at ten. A part of the stagnant dip reps could have been due to difficulty from over-aggressive RPE misjudgements that I really did not figure out until the last few weeks, and my body went from 180 to 185lbs too. However there is no doubt that Schedule C works because I gained 5/8" on my chest and 1/8" on each arm.

That was not flab and I didn't need tape to see growth. While getting in my Easy Muscle Schedule C swings I had the unusual opportunity to be near a mirror and shirtless. While swinging in this particular lighting I saw what I thought were instant tribal tattoos on my arms and chest. I took a moment to realize these "tattoos" were the shadows from my muscles and vascularity. That was awesome and the kind of hypertrophy I hoped for.

Now I have considerations to make for the future. I can max out my current T-handle's weight to 150lbs for 13 good swings but the spin lock on the handle is dangerously close to the end and I'd obsess about tightening it after every set. There is not even enough room to completely add a spring collar below the spin lock.

Or I could continue Schedule C with my 32kg in one hand with the T-handle in the other. Switching sides each set is no big deal but the hinge is shallower to accommodate the width of the T-handle's plates.

It might be most appealing to keep my leg strength by subbing the clean and press with a snatch and press with my 24kg+16kg, which is doable. The Sig Klein challenge seems like a reasonable goal now. I built my press as an EM warm up and if I can press I somehow feel like I should press - especially since I can do much more than when I did Schedule A the first time. But snatch pressing isn't in the EM book officially.

This kind of choice is a good problem to have. A simpler exercise block will be best for a few weeks before my next Easy Muscle run. Whether I switch to snatch pressing in Schedule B or doubles in C, leave no doubt that Schedule C with a T-handle was a powerful thing. Thank you @Geoff Neupert
Easing back into KB training after spinning my wheels with bodybuilding.

This fits my environment and current stress levels way better.

With a tendency to overthink things, it was very hard to try choosing a program. I did 2 weeks of DFW, then picked up Easy Muscle (rebuilt after 40) due to my weakness with body weight movements, and figured it would be good to improve those weak links while training KBs still.

Day 1 in the books, and the concept of “what muscle does this work?” Made itself very clear, LOL. I think that combo of c+p and front squats worked every part of me with dual 16kg.

The plan is to commit to this program, see how I feel, and either just repeat or try program C as a little break. We’ll see.

I’m down 5 lbs in 3 weeks so far.
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