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Berberine, A Supplement With Some Teeth

Kenny Croxdale

Level 7 Valued Member
Berberine, A Supplement With Some Teeth

Berberine, like create and caffeine, appears to be a supplement that produces results.

Berberine is considered to be the herbal form of Metformin. Metformin is a medication that is used to control Blood Glucose for Type II Diabetics and Pre-Diabetic individuals.

Lower Blood Glucose Levels that are maintained ensure Insulin Levels are not elevated.

Insulin Is "Globally Anabolic"

Insulin is what is referred to as "Globally Anabolic". This mean it contributes to increases in muscle Mass.

Unfortunately, elevation in Insulin production also increases an increase in Adipose Tissue, body fat.

As Nutritionist Jay Robb stated...

"Insulin is a Fat Maker and Glucagon is a Fat Taker".'

Glucagon along with Catecholamines are hormones (adrenaline (epinephrine), noradrenaline (norepinephrine) are Insulin's counter.

Glucagon and Catecholamines cannibalize body fat, using it for energy; burning fat calories.

The See Saw Effect

It is a See Saw effect with Insulin and its counterpart (Glucagon and Catecholamines)

When Insulin is elevated, Glucagon and Catecholamines is low. Insulin dominates them.

When Insulin production is low, Glucagon and Catecholamines are elevated; utilizing body fat for energy.

It All About Timing

The juggling act is in being able to manipulate Insulin to increase muscle mass and minimizing increased body fat.

Insulin Production for Increasing Muscle Mass

An increase in Insulin appears to be optimally (with health individuals) after a Training Session.

When Muscle Glycogen is low, Muscles are very receptive, restoring and soaking up Muscle Glycogen like a dry sponge.

Glucagon and Catecholamines for Burning Fat

Between meals, when Insulin is low, Glucagon and Catecholamines utilize burn body fat for fuel.

This bring us back to Berberine

One of the major benefits of Berberine is that it lowers Blood Glucose Levels. In doing so, it allows the body to burn body fat.

Practical Information

Last year, a woman who had lost 100 lbs was unable to lose any more weight and is still heavy. Her diet was/is good. Her weight issue is genetic.

I suggested that she try Berberine; a minimum dose of one 400 mg capsule. She lost around 7 pound without modifying her diet.

I then suggested that she up the Berberine dose to 1200 mg a day; based on the research data.

By increasing it to that dosage, she lost another 7 lbs.; she has now lost a total of 14 lbs.

Articles On Berberine

There are a multitude of articles and research data on Berberine.

This one from Chris Thibaudeau provide some good information

Kick Start Any Fat Loss Diet With This Supplement

Here’s what berberine will allow you to do. By lowering overall insulin levels, you will be in a state of fat burning more easily and for longer periods. It will also make you more insulin sensitive.

Because you’ll be more sensitive, carbs will be driven to the muscle
more easily. Overall, you will need less insulin to drive the same amount of carbs to your muscles.


Information on the benefit of Cortisol has been posted multiple times. However, the majority of individuals have been brainwashed into believing Cortisol is even.

The Bottom Line
Acute Cortisol Elevation during training and fasting is beneficial; more on that in a minute.

Chronic Cortisol Elevation for long periods produces health issue.

With that said, here is...

Thibaudeau's Comment On Cortisol

...Cortisol is in fact very useful to lose fat.
Cortisol is a hormone that breaks down stuff to create energy and fight against unknown threats and external/internal stress. It also helps you to lose fat, because when in deficit, it breaks down fats to produce energy. It raises adrenaline when you are working out. But it can also break down muscle tissue if needed.

Cortisol Breaking Down Muscle

One of the primary issues is with individuals who OverTrain. They end up maintaining Chronic (long term) Cortisol Elevation; which is catabolic (decreases muscle mass). These individuals create their own nightmare.

With that in said, DeLoading for in one Training Session only to ramp it back up, ReLoading in the following session produces short term results; long term it's InEffective.

Overcoming their OverTrained Chronic Cortisol Elevation amount to a well written Periodization Training Program; which incorporates backing off,

Increases in Strength and Muscle Mass occur during Recovery.
Berberine, A Supplement With Some Teeth

Berberine, like create and caffeine, appears to be a supplement that produces results.

Berberine is considered to be the herbal form of Metformin. Metformin is a medication that is used to control Blood Glucose for Type II Diabetics and Pre-Diabetic individuals.

Lower Blood Glucose Levels that are maintained ensure Insulin Levels are not elevated.

Insulin Is "Globally Anabolic"

Insulin is what is referred to as "Globally Anabolic". This mean it contributes to increases in muscle Mass.

Unfortunately, elevation in Insulin production also increases an increase in Adipose Tissue, body fat.

As Nutritionist Jay Robb stated...

"Insulin is a Fat Maker and Glucagon is a Fat Taker".'

Glucagon along with Catecholamines are hormones (adrenaline (epinephrine), noradrenaline (norepinephrine) are Insulin's counter.

Glucagon and Catecholamines cannibalize body fat, using it for energy; burning fat calories.

The See Saw Effect

It is a See Saw effect with Insulin and its counterpart (Glucagon and Catecholamines)

When Insulin is elevated, Glucagon and Catecholamines is low. Insulin dominates them.

When Insulin production is low, Glucagon and Catecholamines are elevated; utilizing body fat for energy.

It All About Timing

The juggling act is in being able to manipulate Insulin to increase muscle mass and minimizing increased body fat.

Insulin Production for Increasing Muscle Mass

An increase in Insulin appears to be optimally (with health individuals) after a Training Session.

When Muscle Glycogen is low, Muscles are very receptive, restoring and soaking up Muscle Glycogen like a dry sponge.

Glucagon and Catecholamines for Burning Fat

Between meals, when Insulin is low, Glucagon and Catecholamines utilize burn body fat for fuel.

This bring us back to Berberine

One of the major benefits of Berberine is that it lowers Blood Glucose Levels. In doing so, it allows the body to burn body fat.

Practical Information

Last year, a woman who had lost 100 lbs was unable to lose any more weight and is still heavy. Her diet was/is good. Her weight issue is genetic.

I suggested that she try Berberine; a minimum dose of one 400 mg capsule. She lost around 7 pound without modifying her diet.

I then suggested that she up the Berberine dose to 1200 mg a day; based on the research data.

By increasing it to that dosage, she lost another 7 lbs.; she has now lost a total of 14 lbs.

Articles On Berberine

There are a multitude of articles and research data on Berberine.

This one from Chris Thibaudeau provide some good information

Kick Start Any Fat Loss Diet With This Supplement

Here’s what berberine will allow you to do. By lowering overall insulin levels, you will be in a state of fat burning more easily and for longer periods. It will also make you more insulin sensitive.

Because you’ll be more sensitive, carbs will be driven to the muscle
more easily. Overall, you will need less insulin to drive the same amount of carbs to your muscles.


Information on the benefit of Cortisol has been posted multiple times. However, the majority of individuals have been brainwashed into believing Cortisol is even.

The Bottom Line
Acute Cortisol Elevation during training and fasting is beneficial; more on that in a minute.

Chronic Cortisol Elevation for long periods produces health issue.

With that said, here is...

Thibaudeau's Comment On Cortisol

...Cortisol is in fact very useful to lose fat.
Cortisol is a hormone that breaks down stuff to create energy and fight against unknown threats and external/internal stress. It also helps you to lose fat, because when in deficit, it breaks down fats to produce energy. It raises adrenaline when you are working out. But it can also break down muscle tissue if needed.

Cortisol Breaking Down Muscle

One of the primary issues is with individuals who OverTrain. They end up maintaining Chronic (long term) Cortisol Elevation; which is catabolic (decreases muscle mass). These individuals create their own nightmare.

With that in said, DeLoading for in one Training Session only to ramp it back up, ReLoading in the following session produces short term results; long term it's InEffective.

Overcoming their OverTrained Chronic Cortisol Elevation amount to a well written Periodization Training Program; which incorporates backing off,

Increases in Strength and Muscle Mass occur during Recovery.

What happens when you go off it?
Berberine is being used quite commonly to treat polycystic ovaries syndrome. I know some women who are very pleased with the results. Certainly it seems to be one of those useful supplements with very little downside - you can just try it and if you don’t like it, stop. And that’s it. I’ve heard to avoid it if pregnancy is a possibility.
What happens when you go off it?
I think it depends in terms of weightloss. if you have PCOS, type 2 diabetes, etc. you probably return to your regularly scheduled programming unless you reduce weight enough to overcome metabolic issues.

If you are just regular joe, it doesn't seem to have any real effect on weight. Effects of berberine and barberry on anthropometric measures: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials - PubMed
So your normal insulin and blood sugar levels go back to normal insulin and blood sugar levels.
I’ve heard to avoid it if pregnancy is a possibility.

Berberine is being used quite commonly to treat polycystic ovaries syndrome. I know some women who are very pleased with the results. Certainly it seems to be one of those useful supplements with very little downside - you can just try it and if you don’t like it, stop. And that’s it. I’ve heard to avoid it if pregnancy is a possibility.
Pregnancy: It's likely unsafe to take berberine by mouth if you are pregnant. Berberine can cross the placenta and might cause harm to the fetus. Kernicterus, a type of brain damage, has developed in newborn infants exposed to berberine. Breast-feeding: It's likely unsafe to take berberine if you are breast-feeding.

BERBERINE - Uses, Side Effects, and More - WebMD

WebMD › ingredientmono-1126 › berb...

Not something I think I'll try anytime soon. lol
Me and insulin haven't had the easiest time, together.

I just got a bottle of this yesterday. and took my first capsules, yesterday and today. we'll see how this goes.

Starting stats,
5' 10"
250 lbs.

I'll see what the scale and the mirror tell me when the bottle is empty.
Pregnancy: It's likely unsafe to take berberine by mouth if you are pregnant. Berberine can cross the placenta and might cause harm to the fetus. Kernicterus, a type of brain damage, has developed in newborn infants exposed to berberine. Breast-feeding: It's likely unsafe to take berberine if you are breast-feeding.

BERBERINE - Uses, Side Effects, and More - WebMD

WebMD › ingredientmono-1126 › berb...

Not something I think I'll try anytime soon. lol

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