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Kettlebell Karlos

Level 1 Valued Member
Hello all,
I wanted to give a bit more detail to see if I am on the right path.. I really appreciate any feedback you can provide.
I am a 52-year-old male, a noob to kettlebell training, standing 185 cm (6 ft) tall, and weighing 90 kg (200 lbs)
I began from a fairly sedentary lifestyle and started the Simple and Sinister (S&S) program about 7 weeks ago. Here’s a summary of my progress so far:
Weeks 1-5:
Used a 16 kg kettlebell for swings.
Used an 8 kg kettlebell (or sometimes a shoe) for Turkish Get-Ups (TGU) to focus on improving my technique.
Trained 5-6 days per week.
Weeks 6-7 (Step Loading Phase):
Started step loading using a 24 kg kettlebell for swings (2 sets).
Began using a 12 kg kettlebell for TGU and step loaded with the 16 kg kettlebell.
Finished week 2 of this phase today.
Both S+and G+ feel challenging but doable.
Currently performing two-handed swings twice a week.
Questions and Concerns
Recently, I began filming my sessions to improve my technique and noticed that I still have a long way to go. Here are my main concerns:
• Should I regress and work solely on kettlebell deadlifts until my technique is closer to mastery?
• Alternatively, should I switch exclusively to two-handed swings? If so, what routine could I use to restart or get back on track with S&S?

I have added links to videos of my kettlebell deadlift, two-handed swing (both 16 kg and 24 kg), and Turkish Get-Up (both 12 kg and 16 kg). Any feedback and tips are really appreciated. Thanks in advance!
KB Deadlift, TGU 16kg RH, TGU 12kg RH, 2H KB Swing 16kg, 2H KB Swing 24kg

seems the other links didn't work.
Hi Karlos,

Great work you have done so far.

I am not an expert, but I did not see any massive issues with your technique in terms of safety, so I believe it is okay to continue on with your progress.

Heavy weight can be instructive, and the slow pace of step loading was very good for me during my S&S training.

If you still have concerns, I believe your concerns can be best answered by an SFG certified individual. I recommend looking for one close to your area for an in person session. Once you have both movements dialed in you just have to do the work.

S&S is an excellent inclusive training program and I wish you success with it.
Ok so it gets the clearance to practice since there are no glaring issues to be of concern

Getup: it's solid, you will exhibit more control eventually as you will be able to develop more awareness in the coming months.

Swing: decent. I'd work on deepening the hinge a bit so you can deliver more power

Have you worked with an instructor even for just a session or two??
Would love to work with an instructor but there aren't any in my part of the world. Hopefully my next layover in USA , I'll make a day of it and get a session. Thanks for you feedback
Good work @Kettlebell Karlos

@Mark Limbaga said exactly the 2 things I was going to say. Keep practicing with your current progression plan, focus on smoothness and control on the get-up (I like your pace, by the way, nice pause at positions), and swing looks good just work on making the hinge a little deeper, load the hamstrings and reach your hips back a bit more.
Would love to work with an instructor but there aren't any in my part of the world. Hopefully my next layover in USA , I'll make a day of it and get a session. Thanks for you feedback
That was my predicament for the longest time so I totally relate

Send me a message maybe I can be of help albeit virtually?
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