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What should my lifts be to place at least 3rd in an average local meet?

Just go and PR bro. Have a lift you KNOW you can hit as your 2nd, and then go for a PR on 3rd. Stop worrying about placing. Experience a meet and show off the product of your training.

As folks have already said - where you place is largely dependent on who shows up. You can’t control that. You can control your training, peaking, and deload.
It depends on who shows up and how many people are in your category.

I'm feeling some deja vu here...

As for specifics, you will need to lift more than everyone but the top two.

Also if this is your first meet, it is going to be a s***show anyways. Warmups are going to go sideways, you are going to tire yourself out waiting for your name to be called, and your lifts are going to be called by surprise. So just embrace it and have fun. Don't worry about placing, worry about completing the lifts and learning for next time.
Also if this is your first meet, it is going to be a s***show anyways. Warmups are going to go sideways, you are going to tire yourself out waiting for your name to be called, and your lifts are going to be called by surprise. So just embrace it and have fun. Don't worry about placing, worry about completing the lifts and learning for next time.
I would give the specific advice of picking your openers carefully and conservatively. I was at one meet with people I know a bit - the lifter was a woman whose father was a successful trainer and who used to compete, but she never practiced deadlifting after first squatting and bench pressing, and she bombed out of the meet because she couldn't make her deadlift opener. Make your openers something you're sure you can get because there is nothing worse at a PL meet than missing your opener - it does happen, and often people come back and make that same weight at their second attempt, but it's an avoidable scenario that is, well, best avoided.

Mage, I'm guessing this is your first post... There's no way to answer that, but if you can bench 1.5xbdwt, and squat and deadlift 2xbdwt (or something at least in the ballpark of these numbers), you'll probably do fine in a lot of local meets.
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