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Bodyweight Getting big on Bodyweight

Lateral delts are only thing ive failed to find good replacement for lateral raise & upright row...
check out fitness freedom athletes youtube channel and see TRX-Ys and TRX-Ts.
That combined with wide HSPU and some pike pushups variations gave me a lot of lateral delt mass.
This deserves its thread.... so here we go.
Can you use a bodyweight approach for adding mass and how big can you get?
I went from 138lbs to 165lbs at the height of 5'7 in 3 years. I ate 90gs of protein per day and didn't try especially hard to add the mass. I am sure if I emphasized mass more, I could have added it more quicker. I never really put on fat and maintained visible abs throughout.

@bluejeff @WxHerk @mikhael @pet' ?

That is great progress for someone with a smaller frame without drugs. Shows that consistency is king.

Only issue I have with bodyweight exercises is the motivation. I just don't find them a lot of fun and after a few weeks I struggle to drag myself to do it. But that is a purely personal thing. In the past, I did a ton of BW exercises when doing Kung Fu, to the point Sit Ups were rest from the rest of the workout... but now I despise doing them. The advice I often give people is find something you kinda like doing and do it consistently. I have friends who bike, jog, lift; whatever, keeps them fit.
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