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Hypertrophy Dan John ABC

Bought the book, about halfway through. Suprised at how many pages there were for $20. My only other kettlebell program purchase is the giant, and that’s like 4 pages. Will give this a try in July.

I’m leaning towards single bell for this? I have done doubles for all my giant runs, so I was thinking one sided loading would be more beneficial for me? Or should I just keep running doubles for the load benefit? Anyone have thoughts on this?
A question @Dan John :

I just finished week 2 of the Barbell program 1 and going to do supersets.
My C&P is much stronger than my curls - should I still use the same weight for those (-> very light weight for C&P) or sneak up some little plates between sets?
Bought the book, about halfway through. Suprised at how many pages there were for $20. My only other kettlebell program purchase is the giant, and that’s like 4 pages. Will give this a try in July.

I’m leaning towards single bell for this? I have done doubles for all my giant runs, so I was thinking one sided loading would be more beneficial for me? Or should I just keep running doubles for the load benefit? Anyone have thoughts on this?
I ran this program before the book came out based on what DJ posted online and laid out in his podcast. Did the single bell version and had quite noticeable results. Planning on revisiting this now that I have the book and starting again on Monday.
Xene, you can do whatever you need to do, obviously. Most people are "around" the same numbers in high rep clean and press (continuous) and curls, but certainly the C and P starts zooming ahead after some experience. My best barbell clean and press is 300 and I CLAIM a 225 curl (although I don't believe video evidence). But, most kids I train are within a few pounds. Be sure to just have plates that are easy to whip off and on. It's just curls.

Eric Wilson, welcome to my world. matter HOW many questions you answer, there will always be more. Unless you charge per question.
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